"mi(sual).com" - 9 new articles
Orissa chungchanga thuthang dik loOrissa Krista Tan Committee chuan thuchhuah siamin tunlai hian Mobile SMS hmangin Orissa chung chang a thuthang diklo pui pui mi thenkhat in an thawndarh tih an sawi a, hei hi inbumna mai niin a lang a, hetiang thuthang diklo ah hian mipuite fimkhur turin an ngen tih an sawi. Thuchhuah chuan tunlai hian SMS hmangin mi tu tih hriat loh ten thu mak tak tak – Orissa ah Pastor 14 an that, Raikia Pastor RK Digal-a pawh an that, Orissa tan tawngtaipui an ngai tih te chu a titu hriatloh in an thedarh chiam a, hei hi thudik a nih leh nih loh finfiah tuma Cuttack khawpuia Pu VL Rema RIM manager leh Pastor Stephen-a tuna Raikia awm te an zawhfiah thu sawiin thuthang diklo mai a ni tih hriat a ni a, tun ah tak hi chuan Kristiante tihduhdahna hmun Kandhamal Dist pawh a ralmuan lai tak a ni an ti.
MNF hruaitu lawkah mi tharKum 10 chhung zet Mizorama sawrkarna an chan hnuin kum 2008 November inthlanah Mizo National Front chu paihthlak an ni a, kum khat chhung vel an thawm a reh hnuin intuaithar leh tranin February ni 22 khian inkhawmpui an nei dawn. He khawmpuiah hian hruaitu lawk panga an thlang chhuak ang. MNF kalphung chu President, Vice president leh Treasurer a ni a, hei hi elected OB tia sawi a ni. A chunga post-te khi Zoramthanga, Tawnluia leh R Tlanghmingthanga-te ten a indawh dan khian an luah mek. Elected OB-ah hian a ni sa pathum bakah hming lang leh sawirik an awm. Dr. R Lalthangliana (ex-minister) MLA ni lai, K. Lalchamliana (ex-speaker) PUC lecturer, B. Lalthlengliana (ex-minister) MLA ni lai, ex-MP Vanlalzawma, K Sangthuama (ex-minister) hmingte chu lamrik zingah hian an tel. Khing a chunga hming langte khi han thlir bing ta ila, Dr. R Lalthangliana hi minister a nih laia chak tak mai a ni, university boruak hre pha, academician kan tihte zinga tel a ni. Hemi piah lamah hian Mizorama chhim lam MLA bial 12 awmnaah boruak lian tak a nei a, Baptist kohhrana mi inhmang leh an chhuanvawr a tling, hei hian ‘weight’ a pe rit hle ang, MLA ni lai a ni bawk, hmunruak pakhat hi a hnawh zo mai thei. K. Lalchamliana hi tunlai thalaite chuan ’smart’ tia an sawi a ni, a ‘generation’ puite zingah nep lo pawl tak a ni. Politik tlang atang chuan Congress leh regional party dangah a rualpui zingah ngam loh a nei bik lo, party-ah awm hlun leh lehkhathiam Aizawl mi hlun an ni. Ani pawh hian ‘mark’ a hmu chhe lo ang. Media lam pawhin an lawm. B. Lalthlengliana, ani hi politikal party huangah chuan hriat hlawh a ni. Mahse pawn lamah chuan mite hriat han hlawh vak erawh a ni lo. An sawi dan chuan party worker hre tak leh duhsak thiam tak a ni, Pu Zoramthanga rin kai berte zinga mi niin an sawi thin bawk, hei hian a buk a tirit hle ang. Vanlalzawma, ani hi Hrangbanga College lecturer kalsana Lok Sabha MP ni tura candidate a ni a, MP-ah hian thlan tlin a ni. MNF lamin an ta neih chho a, CYMA president te ni tawhin mipui ngaihin boruak a nei chhe ngai lo. Thiam circle tha tak tak a nei a, an thiante hi ‘influencial’ tak tak an ni, mahse MNF party-ah hian a la hlun lo a, amah hi a ngawichawia mi pawi sawi hlau tak a nih thin avangin a buk a rit tawk lo thei bawk. K Sangthuama hi Mizo pa taima leh viaktha tak tia sawi thin a ni, contractor lar hmasa niin Vana Pa Hall, TB Hospital etc-te satu niin kawngpui tha hnem tawk tak a sial bawk. Minister a nih lai pawhin a viak that thu an sawi uar hle a, party mi leh saten an bel nasa hle a, politik hi eizawnna lama a hlawhtlin hnua zuanglut niin rawngbawlnaah a ngai tiin amah chuan a sawi. Ani pawh hi beisei awm pawl tak a ni thei ang.
Hetah hian engtin nge RTI kan hman ang?Journalism and Mass Communication hi ka han zir ve rawih mai a. Engtiang chiahin nge Journalism hian mipuite tana hna a thawh theih ang a, mipuite hian Sawrkar sum kal dan leh inrelbawl dana thil dik lote kan hmuhchhuah theih ang aw, tih hi ka thupui ber a ni ve a. A hnuaiah hian document ka neih pakhat ka han paste a, heta tang hian he thil hi Mizoram Sawrkarah engtiangin bawhzui a nih a, heta Central Sawrkar ruahmanna leh Sum a pekte hi a nihna tur ang takin hman a ni em, tih te ka lo hre duh ta a. Chu chu engtiangin nge ka chhuichhuah ang le? No. R.14012/45/2008-H&D Cell Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy (AYUSH) IRCS Building, Red Cross Road, New Delhi-1, the 30th July, 2008 To The Pay & Accounts Officer (Sectt.) Sub: Release of Grant-in-aid to the Govt. of Mizoram under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for AYUSH Hospitals, 2008-09 – Reg. Sir, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President for the provisional payment of Rs.1,75,00,000/- (Rupees one crore seventy five lakh only) as Grant-in-aid to the Government of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department for the following purposes:-
2. The above amount is in accordance with the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance (Plan Finance Division) vide their O.M. Bo. 10(1) PF-1/76 dated 22nd.January, 1977 and as amended from time to time.
3. The Grant-in-aid now sanctioned is provisional and is subject to adjustment on the basis of audited figures of expenditure in terms of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, letter No. 2 (90) –P-II/66 dated 9.10.1966 and as amended from time to time. 4. The Grant-in-aid will be subject to the conditions laid down in GFRs and instructions issued by the Govt., from time to time. It is further stipulated that before applying for further installment of grants, the grantee institutions will submit expenditure statements, Utilization Certificates in the prescribed format GFR 19-A, Achievement-cum-Performance Reports and audited statement of accounts in respect of grant released in the past. The amount of Grant-in-aid included in the sanction will be inclusive of any unspent balance of the previous grant.
5. It is certified that the amount of grant sanctioned above is within the budget provision accepted for the purpose by the Ministry of Finance for the financial year 2008-09. 6. It is certified that no U.C. is pending from the Government of Mizoram under the Scheme for AYUSH Hospitals. 7. The expenditure involved will be met from the funds provided under the Head: 2210— Medical and Public Health (Major Head); 02200—Other Systems (Minor head); 22—Scheme for AYUSH Hospitals; 220031—Grant in aid for the year 2008-09. 8. The amount of Rs.1,75,00,000/- is provided by way of re-appropriation from the Head 'North Eastern Areas' to the Head 'Scheme for AYUSH Hospitals' within the Revenue Section of the Grant No.47 – Deptt. of AYUSH for the year 2008-09. 8. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division vide their Concurrence Diary No C-1534 dated 23.07.2008. Yours faithfully,
(Anshumann Sharma) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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NLUP leh Certified SeedsNLUP hmanga leirem rah tum tak tak hi kan Mizo-pui zingah taima tak tak, lehkha thiam te thiam vak lemlo te leh chhiar thei trawk trawk mi chi hran hran pawh an tam ngei ang. Chutih rual chuan NLUP hmang diklo tur fe fe pawh an awm ngei a rinawm. NLUP hi hlawhtling ngei sela, a hmu tur diktak te'n an hmuh mai hi a tawk hauh lo. Tunai nasa leh zual hian planning, research and development te bakah monitor tak tak pawh a ngai ngei ang. chumi piah lamah chuan Farmers te an hlawhtlin ngei theihna tura ruahmanna fel hi kan mamawh mek a chu ani. NLUP trade thlang turah hian agriculture leh horticulture hi an tam ber turah kan dah rawka. Chungho hmakhua atana pawimawh ber chu an thlai chin tur kha certified seed ngei nithei sela, chumi atan chuan hmalak a trul hle in ka hria. Certified seed ngei hi ching thei ila kan thil chin a hrisel zawk anga, kan thar (yield) pawh nasa takin a pung ang. Chubakah khang kan thlai chin kha engemaw avangin thar mumal ta lo ila a SEED vang anih phot chuan Certified seed petu khan a compensate ngei nan ruahmanna mumal siam ni bawk sela. India sawrkar pawhin Certified Seed ngei chin hi a ngaih pawimawh em avangin India hmarchhak state tan phei chuan Transport subsidy pawh phal takin a hawng reng ani. Hemi lama tuimi tan heng link te hi chhiar nise - Kan ramah pawh mumal vak lo chuan hma kan la ngeiin a rinawm, mahse tunai nasa zawk thra leh hlawk zawkin engtinge hma kan lak ang tihte leh, Central Act hi kan state Act ah kan lalut ang nge tihte. Abakah kan ramah kan tih ve vat theih nan rawtna mumal siam i tum teh ang u. KTP Gen. Conference Pandal sak hna tan
LCD CHHIA!!!!Kan TV LCD ka fapa in a ti keh/chhia a. A panel hi a thlak theih em?? Engzat bawr vel nge ngai ang. A model chu SONY BRAVIA 32 Inch a nia. Min han pui teh un! Letter to Union Law & Justice Minister of the Indian GovernmentJanuary 24, 2010 To Subject : Appeal Dear Sir, Welcome to my humble home. It is my great honour and privilege to have you in my home for a cup of tea on your way to address the public gathering of Civil Society Summit in Bangalore. As a woman of Northeast, particularly Mizoram, I would like to take this opportunity to voice out our long years of concern, Peace. I appeal to you two areas: First, the withdrawal of AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act) in Manipur in order to build peace. As a guardian of Law and Justice, it is in your hand. I request Ms. Sharmila Irom's request may be granted to withdraw AFSPA and stop her fasting and live a normal life, a dignified life. Second, return to Democracy in Burma. As our dividing line between Burma and India, particularly Mizoram is only a small river of Tiau. We witness the cry of the people in their daily live, their livelihood and survival are at stake. As a guardian of Law and Justice in our great country, I request you to initiate the peace process and return of democracy in Burma. Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, Dr. Rini Ralte (Lalrinawmi) Source: mizotheologicalforum.com New Programming Language From GoogleGoogle just released a new programming language called Go to the public. The syntax is similar to C, and it has some more modern programming language features (such as garbage collection and concurrency), but it is also lacking some common features (such as exceptions and generics). There’s a long video about it on YouTube-The Go Programming Language. Personally I think it doesn’t look significantly better than any of the existing languages out there today, but with a company like Google behind it, it could become popular. Also, you would think Google of all companies would realize that naming something “Go” would make it extremely hard to search for information about it online. Contributor’s Note: Unless it’s easier/faster or more powerful than present languages, it’s a good bet it’ll fail or simply become yet-another-language. Free SoftwaresSoftware download hi internet hmangtu engnge maw zât hi chuan kan buaipui viau; a bikin Antivirus Update phei hi chu a thla kipa download kan duhin kan tum a. Browse kual vak vak ngai leh in Sign In ngaite a nih chuan hun a paih duh hle. Entir nan: Avast Update download duh ta ila, a URL (http://download809.avast.com/iavs4pro/vsupd.exe) tih kha internet Explorer Adress bar-ah han paste pawp mai ila, Save chiah hmabak a ni tawh mai. Update thar mah se update file hming khi a ngai reng a nih avangin a URL khi a hman theih reng. Chutiang bawkin Antivir Update pawh. A dang pawh hetah hian Free Software Download – Make it easy! |
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