Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Message of MLK, Bradley Manning and the Collateral Murder Video and Best of the Week

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The Message of MLK, Bradley Manning and the Collateral Murder Video and Best of the Week

April 5

A Message From Paul Jay
If you appreciate The Real News, would like to see us strengthen and expand our work, then we need your financial support
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Chris Hedges: Why I Resigned from PEN
Chris Hedges: Suzanne Nossel, new head of PEN - which is supposed to defend human rights - supported war in Iraq and advocates use of military force in the name of democracy, lock step with Obama admin. wars in Afghanistan, drone attacks and more
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The Message of MLK, Bradley Manning and the Collateral Murder Video
Michael Ratner: Anniversary of King's "Beyond Vietnam Speech" and release of Wikileaks "Collateral Murder" video
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Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence
Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. made the comment that the U.S. government [was/is] "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today". This was in context to a speech delivered on April 4, 1967 at Riverside Church in New York City - exactly one year before his untimely death.
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Investigation Reveals Trillions Hidden in Tax Havens
Bill Black: An international collaboration of investigative journalists has released the names of wealthy individuals stashing as much as three times the American GDP in tax havens
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April 4

Sen. Warren and End of the Minimum Wage Debate
Jeannette Wicks-Lim: Research shows that a rise in the minimum wage does not cause job loss; Sen. Elizabeth Warren questions food industry reps who claim it does
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Subsidized Corn Destroying Global Bio-Diversity
Part 3. James Boyce: Industrial agriculture threatening existence of small farmers growing corn in Mexico and Guatemala; potatoes in Peru and the Andes; rice in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia - farmers who maintain the reservoir for adaptation of crops to new insects, new pests, and climate change
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Land Day Protests Around the World
Every year Palestinians and solidarity activists commemorate the Land Day events of 1976. This year the demonstrations seem as relevant as ever, while Israel pushes to confiscate additional Bedouin land and to expand colonies
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April 3

Palestinians React to Israel's Apology to Turkey over Gaza Flotilla Deaths
Hamas welcomed Israel's apology, but some political experts say the primary reason behind the rapprochement has more to do with developments in Syria
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Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis on Fighting School Closures
Chicago Teachers Union President discusses defending Chicago's Public Schools
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Youth Will Pay the Price of Austerity
Pt2. Stephanie Seguino: Elites profit from "smaller" government while youth unemployment soars
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April 2

Israel's New Generation of Racists
Incidents of discrimination have doubled each year since 2008 and increasingly perpetrated by youth
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Stagnant Wages and Speculation Triggered the Crisis
Stephanie Seguino: Blacks, Hispanics, and single mothers have much greater loss of income since crisis, triggered by income inequality in the first place
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April 1

Bolivia Passes Gender Violence Law
Legislation seeks to combat high levels of violence against women
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New SEC Head Once Acted for Wall St Wonder Boy Dimon
Dimitri Lascaris: New director of SEC was a Wall St. defense attorney who will now regulate former clients
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Venezuelan Election in Full Swing
Venezuelan Election in Full Swing Nicolas Maduro 14 points ahead of opposition leader; accusations of US involvement.
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March 31

Gender Wage Gap is Shrinking - Male Wages are Going Down
Bill Black: Male workers wages are going down which makes gap appear smaller; in higher incomes levels gap is getting wider
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Everyone but China TPP Trade Deal Threatens Sovereignty and Public Ownership
Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: Obama led trade initiative Trans Pacific Partnership aims to isolate China while strengthening corporate legal rights
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Shutting Down Critique of Israel on Campus
Michael Ratner: Regulations against hate speech used to close down criticism of Israeli occupation
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

New York fast food workers go on strike

Digital Disconnect: Capitalism Vs Democracy

Meryl Plays Irish Trade Union Leader

Brazilians convicted of activists' killing

AP Stops Using Phrase "Illegal Immigrant"

Best of the web

The false promises of the United States

Corporate Control of Media Erodes Press Freedom

Veil Lifted On Offshore Banking Secrets

Food Stamp Nation

North Korea warned over closed industrial zone

Political Humor

Bill Maher on Libertarianism and Ayn Rand

Get With The Times, New York Times

What They Don't Want You To Know About The AR Oil Spill & Tar Sands Pipeline

The Daily Show: Egypt coming after comedians!

The Colbert Report: Google offends Fox News

Global Warning

Ban on pesticides urged to save Britain's bees

Inside Iran's research reactor

Greece austerity fuels illegal logging

Flash floods leave 11 dead in Mauritius capital

China's Official Bird Flu Reports Start to Raise Questions

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