Tuesday, April 16, 2013

North Korea Seeks End to US Sanctions and Isolation

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News Stories
April 16, 2013
North Korea Seeks End to US Sanctions and Isolation
Eric Margolis: The nuclear weapons program is the only card North Korea has to force the US to negotiate a normalization of relations
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Video Game and Tax Day Actions Target Corporate "Tax Evaders"
Nicole Tichon and Gan Golan: By projecting a Tax Evader video game on the side of banks and big corporate buildings, actions aim to focus public attention on banks and big companies that pay low to no taxes
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Arms Manufacturers Influence GCC and US Foreign Policy
Larry Wilkerson: Six big arms monopolies profit from tension and war; promote a strategic vision that favors their short term commercial interest
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Separate Bus Lines for Palestinians and for Colonists in the West Bank
During the global protests known as "Israel Apartheid Week," the Israeli government launched a segregated bus service, forcing Palestinians in the West Bank to travel only on buses designated to them
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