Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Affiliate Marketing And It’s Pitfalls

Website owners are often the favorite target for Internet scammers. Odds are you are paying a small fee to keep your site running. Do you not wish you couldmake some additional money with the website you work so hard to maintain? To a webmaster, affiliate marketing is almost always the answer to this dilemma. By displaying adds from reputable companies you can send interested people tothere sites and perhaps purchase a product. When this happens you will earn a percentage of the sale as a finder's fee.
This being said there is a dark side to affiliate marketing that can jeopardize your good name as a webmaster. For example, have you ever been surfing the web and come across a website that touts an amazing nutritional supplement that does
it all? Weight loss for the overweight, hair growth for the bald, an increased sexual stamina for those lacking it and a host of other items are cured or corrected with a pill after breakfast, lunch and dinner. These miracle cures are touted on the
website via a long list of testimonials, and you can almost always recognize the feel of these sites simply by the long list of text they sport, the varying fonts employed, and also the different colors these words are written in. You may simply shrug your shoulders at such a site until you see a copy of a commission check the webmaster has posted and suddenly he or she has your undivided attention. The check is small enough to be realistic yet big enough to consider
what you could to with the extra money.
Once they have your attention, the spiel usually involves a site owner who is so successful that he or she has decided to take on two or three qualified novices and train them to do the business as well. This involves selling the miracle product to your friends and neighbors and then just sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in. Additionally, you will need to post banners on your website. What has just happened, in a nutshell, is an affiliate scam that ties your success directly into a multi-level marketing scheme. While your links will attract more interested parties to the originator's website, you are meanwhile alienating your friends and families by the legal drugs you are peddling. This is not what affiliate marketing is all about, and it is important that you understand the implications of your putting links or banners of any business on your website.

Recommended Best Affiliate Marketing Guide From Here


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