Saturday, August 25, 2012

TRNN This Week August 19 - August 24

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TRNN This Week August 19 - August 24
August 25, 2012

August 24

Prisons, Profit and Immigrants in Arizona
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer defies President Obama on deferred deportation plan for undocumented immigrant youth
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Tunisia to Reject Odious Debt
Leonce Ndikumana: Tunisia to audit foreign debt and reject loans embezzled by former dictator
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August 23

Colombian GM Workers on Hunger Strike Until Death Sew Their Mouths Shut
Thirteen auto workers in Bogotá, Colombia are completing their third week of a hunger strike they say they won't end until General Motors agrees to negotiate with their demands. (On Thursday, August 23 the strikers announced that GM had agreed to negotiate. This story was produced in the days prior to this agreement. The full statement from the strikers is included beneath the video player.)
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Romney and Ryan: Right Wing Billionaires Think it's Time to Take the Gloves Off
John Weeks: The right wing elite think if they can make a major breakthrough, they can end the last vestiges of the welfare state
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A Green Full Employment Economy Requires Mass Mobilization
Bob Pollin Pt6: The first steps towards full employment is to create a green engine of jobs growth
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August 22

Gaza Reacts to Egyptian Tunnel Closures
Israel benefits from Egypt's closing of tunnels after attacks in Sinai
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Civilian Deaths from US Drone Attacks Much Higher than Reported
Gareth Porter: New investigative work shows that civilian deaths in Pakistan, including from second wave attacks, higher than Pentagon reports
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Did Obama Stimulus Work?
Bob Pollin Pt5: The stimulus plan saved many jobs and helped prevent a deeper crash, but was far short of spurring a recovery
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August 21

Broken Anvil: Victims Fight for Justice After DEA Operation Leaves Four Dead in Honduras
Soldiers opened fire from U.S. government helicopters, killing four people, including two pregnant women
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Collateral Damage of a Drug War
Alexander Main on the May 11 Killings in Ahuas and the Impact of the U.S. War on Drugs in La Moskitia, Honduras
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August 20

The London Olympics' Toxic Legacy?
The Games were meant to help revitalize London's east end. Have they instead been used as a land grab by big business?
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Black Report: No Criminal Prosecution of Wall St. and Who is the European, Romney or Obama?
Bill Black Finance and Fraud Report: Goldman and MF Global avoid criminal charges and Romney accuses of Obama of being a "European"
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August 19

Israel Debates the Cost of War
Israeli media this week is filled with argument over cost of war with Iran, as prices rise
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Is Full Employment Possible in the Era of Globalization?
Bob Pollin Pt4: The global "army of the unemployed" weakened American labor, but tariffs are not a solution - a mass mobilization is needed
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

How the FBI Fought the 1960s Student Movement

Two-day banking strike, ATMs to be shut too

South African miners' village fury at deaths

Wave of Tibetan Self-Immolations Spreads Through Sichuan

Protests Held Worldwide AfterPussy Riot Sentenced

Best of the web

Tom Engelhardt: How did the US President Become the Assassin-in-Chief?

On The Line "What if Euro Fails?"

Rio's Most Powerful Drug Gang Bans Crack

Inside Karl Rove's Secret Kingdom of Power

Matt Taibbi: If an individual on Wall Street was punished, banks would take note

Political Humor

Bill Maher & Chelsea Handler on Mormonism

Prince Harry Commemorative Plates with Billy Dee Williams

Completely Honest Political Debate

Limbaugh: Obama 'Hopeful' Hurricane Will Hit Tampa During GOP Convention

Cheap, Clean Natural Gas: Earth's One Good Feature - Horrifying Planet

Global Warning

Koala Crisis

Naomi Klein: Ethical Oil?

Drought-Resistant GM Corn gets Mixed Reactions

Arizona Floodwaters Trap Motorists

Forest fires burn across Europe

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