Friday, March 1, 2013

Bradley Manning Tells Court Public Have... | The Video that Bradley Manning says... |Obama and GOP Shared Austerity...

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News Stories
March 1, 2013
Bradley Manning Tells Court Public Have the Right to Know About US War Crimes
American Attorney for Julian Assange, Michael Ratner, reports he was in the courtroom and witnessed Manning speak with confidence and intelligence as he detailed the outrages that drove him to upload the documents to Wikileaks
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The Video that Bradley Manning says Pushed Him to Upload to Wikileaks
Josh Stieber, a member of the army company that came upon the Iraqis murdered by the US helicopter crew, discusses the Wikileaks video and army training that makes killing civilians acceptable
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Obama and GOP Shared Austerity Vision Will Deepen Recession
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck: The massive sequester cuts to government spending are a disaster - what's needed is a wage led recovery
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Colombian coffee growers protest, Saudi women sit-in to take a stand

Italy: Protest, polls and political paralysis

Panel Discussion: Idle No More

Are US police above the law?

Rarely Seen Film "King: A Filmed Record"

Best of the web

Bradley Manning Vs Bob Woodward

Greg Palast: How do you steal a dream?

Occupy godfather Stephane Hessel dies at 95

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Political Humor

A few tips to save the Catholic Church

The Daily Show: 2/28/13 in :60 Seconds

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Department Of Interior Bilked Out Of $18 Million In Funding By Con Gopher

Why economists get things so wrong

Global Warning

Iran nuclear talks end without breakthrough.

EU Commissioner to sing and dance about traffic pollution

Canadian Climate Scientists Muzzled Again

Bowman v. Monsanto: Indiana Farmer's Supreme Court Challenge to Corporate Control of Food Supply

US scientists turn bags into batteries

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