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Thursday, April 10, 2014

"My mom wishes me to be a missionary, I wish to be a Pastor but God made me a Teacher"~ Liankhankhup Sektak

Choosing career is one of the main an important issue in every human being life. The future is rely on what decision you have made today decision that will determine who you will be tomorrow not who you are today. Therefore, you are like a traveller who stands in the two diverse road. At this juncture, care should be taken before you choose a career base on the gift and the professional you have or talented to do so.

Many school inspector and teachers often ask to the students their hobby, aim in life or what they wish to become so in the near future. "AIMS AND GOAL ARE NOT A FUTILE HOPE BUT A FUTURE HOPE" ~said Liankhankhup Sektak on his blog . Many parents chose their child career without consulting their children or without proper guidance to achieved their goal. Some fails on the beginning, another on the midst and a handful men achieved their parents dream. In my opinion, parent has no mistake by choosing a career but it is vulnerable to choose your child career without KNOWING YOUR CHILD. God has given all the children with innate ability that parent has to recognize it or find out it and choose a career base on it. I think, now you will be a successful father and reap the fruits of your dreams in reality.

See my life, "MY MOM WISHES ME TO BE A MISSIONARY, I WISH TO BE A PASTOR BUT GOD MADE ME A TEACHER" , its happen in my life. Eventhough we have set goals and plan but I believe that God had made our destination aftert all. I was in an opinion that being trained in Theology, equipt with Gift of preaching may be a Missionary or Pastor but it was not so. I may not be wrong to say "GOD CHOSE ME TO BE A MINISTER FOR HIM BUT ELDERS DO NOT RECOGNISE ME" . I do admit that my thought is not God thoughts. He works in his way and I cant see but he may made an opportunity to serve for him in his own time.

Young generation must be aware of choosing career and must take advice even from adversary. Choose the correct path and care yourself and train yourself to be fit and effective for the career which you are choosing for. "WE MUST CHOOSE A CAREER BUT CAREER SHOULD NOT CHOOSE YOU".

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