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Friday, May 24, 2013

Yes Mr President, This Is Who We Are

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News Stories
May 24, 2013
Yes Mr President, This Is Who We Are
Michael Ratner and Paul Jay analyze President Obama's defense of his drone and Guantanamo policies - a policy based on continuing US dominance in the Middle East; Obama's speech was interrupted by Code Pink's Medea Benjamin
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Global Protest in 300 Cities Will Take Aim on Monsanto
Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to challenge Monsanto's bullying of small farmers, influence on public policy, and aggressive promotion of GMOs.
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Best of the Web: News and Analysissee all →

Hearing on Apple Tax Practices Spotlights Legal Loopholes
Killing Americans: Jeremy Scahill on Obama Admin's Admission 4 U.S. Citizens Died in Drone Strikes
US confirms drone strikes killed four citizens
US: Silencing news sources? With Jeremy Scahill
Does Obama have authority to wage war without approval of Congress?

Best of the Web: The Occupy Movementsee all →

New Era for Labor: Creative Defiance From the Factory to the Street - What It's Like Living on a Low Wage
Riots in Sweden continue after police shooting
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Seattle Teachers, Students Win Historic Victory Over Standardized Testing
Coalition of Immokalee Workers Targets Wendy's In Fair Food Campaign to Improve Wages, Conditions

Best of the Web: Global Warmingsee all →

Moore, Okla. death count revised from 51 to 24, including 9 children
US volunteers work through Oklahoma rubble
James Hansen: We Are Only Beginning to Feel Climate Change's Impact
Oklahoma tornado's deadly path
Finland to bury nuclear waste in tunnels

Best of the Web: Political Humorsee all →

The Weiner is back!
The Tea Party Report: IRS Scandal: We were right!
Jon Stewart Lampoons Toronto Mayor For Allegedly Smoking Crack
Tornado Truthers : Obama Made the OK Tornadoes!
U.S. Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt

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