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Saturday, May 4, 2013

TRNN This Week April 28 - May 3

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TRNN This Week April 28 - May 3
May 4, 2013

may 3

Obama Visits Mexico - US Policy Helped Create a Land of Government Corruption and Narco Gangs
While the media concentrates on energy, trade talks and securing the border, the real issue is Mexico's descent into a narco-state
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US Syria Policy Promotes Endless Civil War
Omar Dahi: Daniel Pipes, neo-con and ultra Zionist, spells out US policy towards Syria - let both sides destroy each other
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May 2

Global May Day Protests Against Austerity and Deaths of Bangladeshi Workers
May Day marches in major cities around the world demand an end to austerity policies and support of workers' rights
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The War on Wages and The Road to Bangladesh
Bill Black: In the name of competitiveness, the criminal conditions that led to the deaths and injuries of thousands of workers in Bangladesh, are being created around the world in a race to lower wages and working conditions
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May 1

"Generation Without Fear" Demands Free Education in Chile
A massive student demonstration raises demand to end economic policies created under Pinochet Dictatorship
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Why Are People with Health Insurance Going Bankrupt?
Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: Obama care will not put an end to medical bankruptcies - 80% of people going bankrupt due to healthcare costs had insurance
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Palestinian Children Routinely Detained and Arrested By Israeli Authorities
Gavan Kelly Pt.2: International solidarity plays a key role in helping Palestinian prisoners fight for their rights, in the face of an arbitrary Israeli military court system
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April 30

Only 6 Percent of Child Trafficking Cases in India Result in Prosecutions
In three years a total of 452679 victims of child trafficking cases were reported but number of prosecutions was only 25006 - 6% of the cases being reported
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High Unemployment Due to Lack of Demand, Not Lack of Skills or Education
Jesse Rothstein: Low wages and lack of purchasing power the real structural problem, skills training and more education is not the critical solution
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Israel Breaks Signed Agreement to End Prisoner Hunger Strikes
Gavan Kelly: This year's Prisoner Day marked by hunger strikes of Palestinian prisoners who pay a heavy price in order to raise awareness of their plight
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April 29

Hundreds Die in Bangladesh Factory Collapse As Retailers Reject Better Safety Standards
Western retailers refuse to fund independent safety inspections after 300 die in Bangladesh factory collapse and 5 months after 112 die in factory fire
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Walmart Workers Protest Cuts to Hours and Scheduling Policy
Josh Eidelson: Workers say Walmart scheduling consigns workers to poverty through insufficient hours and wreaks havoc on their personal lives
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April 28

52% of Americans Favor Legalization of Marijuana
Neill Franklin: While 45 percent of Americans oppose legal marijuana, 70 percent think enforcing federal drug laws is a waste of money
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Recession and Austerity Good for the Rich
James Henry: The top 7 percent of households, about 8 million people, have seen their net worth increase to a mean of about $3.2 million in the last three years
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Does Public Debt Restrict Growth?
Joseph Minarik and Bob Pollin debate recent PERI report that debunked economic theory that supported austerity policies
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

Best of the Web: News and Analysissee all →

Inside Story - The dark side of austerity
Gauging Hezbollah's role in Syria
As U.S. Moves to Arm Syrian Rebels, Questions Raised About Reports of Chemical Weapons Attack
U.S. Faces 'Real-Time Experiment' in Economic Recovery
Obama Vows to Seek Guantánamo Closure, But Immediate Action Could Prevent Hunger Strikers' Deaths

Best of the Web: The Occupy Movementsee all →

Bangladesh: Sanctions for safety
Rep. Jose Serrano: Critical Latino Vote Has Changed the Equation in Washington's Immigration Debate
Protecting Unions & Worker Rights "Is the Fight of Our Lives" Says Labor Activist Charlie Kernaghan
How North Americans Can Help Prevent the Next Bangladeshi Garment Factory Tragedy
Country Musician Willie Nelson Turns 80: "One Person Carrying A Message Can Change the World"

Best of the Web: Global Warmingsee all →

UN says Somalia famine killed nearly 260,000
Solar-powered plane set to fly across US
Punishing Vieques: Puerto Rico Struggles With Contamination 10 Years After Activists Expel U.S. Navy
Hawaii rallies to 'Evict Monsanto'
Papantonio: The Dirty Truth About Keystone XL

Best of the Web: Political Humorsee all →

John Fugelsang asks God to explain John Boehner
Why You Should Care About The Massive Guantanamo Hunger Strike
The Daily Show Obama's Red Lines
The Colbert Report Spreadable Sharia
Hell Rejects Margaret Thatcher

Latest Blogs

While Media Looks for Encampments, Occupy Helps Build the Popular Resistance
The Broader Costs of Lethal Lemons: "We Have so Many Ranas"
Putting People and the Planet Before Profits
Economics for the 99%: Unemployment Falling in the United States? What a load of B(L)S

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