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Friday, May 10, 2013

Pakistan's Elections More Unpredictable than Ever

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May 10, 2013
Pakistan's Elections More Unpredictable than Ever
With a rebellious youth vote, the media watching every move, and a new radical player to the game, Pakistan's elections come at a critical moment, with instability, political violence and an energy crisis tearing the country apart
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Justice Department Redefines Terrorism by Putting Assata Shakur on FBI List
Michael Ratner: Upping the reward and renewing interest in Assata Shakur, is aimed at labeling any use of violence with a political character as terrorism - even if the target is not a civilian
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Arab League's Peace Initiative Puts Israel in an Embarrassing Position
Qatari prime minister accepts Kerry's request to sweeten the offer to Israel. Israeli prime minister Netanyahu urgently sends delegates to prevent the U.S from endorsing the initiative
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