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Monday, May 13, 2013

Hawking and the Growing Israel Boycott Movement

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News Stories
May 13, 2013
Hawking and the Growing Israel Boycott Movement
BDS activists in Gaza (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) consider renowned physicist Stephen Hawking's decision to cancel his participation in an upcoming conference in Israel as part of an academic boycott "a huge victory for the BDS movement"
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Obama Nominates Cable Industry Lobbyist and Campaign Bundler New Head of FCC
Nicholas Johnson: Nomination of Tom Wheeler shows Obama wants an FCC that manages monopoly competition - not a defender of public interest; Wheeler on President's intelligence advisory board, not likely to defend right to privacy
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Drums Beat for US Military Intervention in Syria but Israel finds a Weakened Assad "Convenient"
Phyllis Bennis: The humanitarian disaster in Syria is mostly ignored as external powers vie for position to control outcome of civil war
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