Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why did Rwandan War Lord Accused of Crimes in Congo, Give Himself Up to the ICC?

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News Stories
April 17, 2013
Why did Rwandan War Lord Accused of Crimes in Congo, Give Himself Up to the ICC?
Maurice Carney: Rwanda hands over one warlord to ICC and props up others as it continues plunder of Congo's resources
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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accepts the resignation of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad
Fayyad represented pro-western interests in Palestine, and his policies came into increasing tension with those of President Abbas
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Growing Voices Among Palestinians Calling for a Single Democratic Secular State
With negotiations for a two state solution going nowhere, more Palestinians are calling for a single state solution
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What Drives US North Korea Policy?
Peter Lee: The US will not accept a rapprochement with North Korea with nuclear weapons, not because they are a real threat, but it would cause South Korea and Japan to seek nuclear weapons and thus weaken American dominance in the region
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