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Saturday, April 27, 2013

TRNN This Week April 21 - April 26

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TRNN This Week April 21 - April 26
April 27, 2013

April 26

US Lets Swiss Banks, Accused of Aiding Tax Fraud, Avoid Prosecution with Fines
James Henry: Swiss banks are negotiating fines to avoid prosecution, while billions of dollars continue to be hidden away from taxes
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Obama "Red Line" on Syria Avoids Dealing with Massive Humanitarian Crisis
Rana Khoury: All the outside intervention is ruining the country; a political solution and humanitarian assistance is the only way to stop the killing
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Israeli Authorities Reveal Distribution of West Bank Land
State lands in the occupied West Bank were declared by Israel for the use of the local population, but were used mainly for the colonization of the West Bank
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April 25

Mexican Journalists Threatened and Murdered Exposing Official Involvement with Narco Gangs
A report on how courageous Mexican journalists are threatened and assassinated while reporting on relationship between senior police and political figures and transnational narco gangs
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UN Sanctioned Congo "Intervention Brigades" Complement US Africa Strategy
Maurice Carney: 3,000 member force intervention will further militarize Congo; US has power to sanction rebel-backers Rwanda and Uganda, but will not because they are allies in American AFRICOM strategy
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Putting Water Back in Public Hands
Nick Buxton: Paris and other cities have remunicipalised water that had been privatized saving users money and introducing more democracy and transparency
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April 24

Privatizing Europe
Nick Buxton: A massive European fire sale is one way finance is using the crisis to entrench neo-liberalism
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Palestinian Authority Budget 28% for Security Forces - Funded by US
Shir Hever: US funds to the PA are earmarked for security forces that control militant opposition to Israel's occupation
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The National Security State with Gore Vidal
Watch to find out how to get the DVD The History of the National Security State
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April 23

Study Debunking Austerity Research Sparks Wide Reaction
Bob Pollin (Co-Author of Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff): Deficit Hawks still defend conclusions of a study that contained spreadsheet errors and weighted selected countries in an inappropriate way; led to incorrect theory about public debt and growth
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Indigenous Town in Mexico Celebrates Two Years of Autonomy and Defense of their Community Forest
After two years of resisting illegal logging and organized crime, indigenous people in the town of Cheran Mexico demand justice for their assassinated community members and respect for their autonomous government
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Exclusive from Bahrain: Interview with Human Rights Activist on Repression Against Formula One Race Protest
Sam Husseini interviews Said Yousif al-Muhafda, who was jailed for his twitter activism, about arrests, mass teargassing and use of shotguns to suppress peaceful protest
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April 22

Occupy The Department of Education
A four day occupation warns of the privatization of schools turning education into a privilege instead of a right
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Big Commodity Traders Pocketed $250 Billion Profit
Gerald Epstein: New FT investigation says big commodity traders earned more profit than banks or auto
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Cyber War Over Facebook Page "I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists" in Israel
Derek Hummel: Israel maintains an army of bloggers to attack online criticism
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April 21

Obama Preaches Stimulus to Europe and Practices Austerity at Home
Richard Wolff: Low wages, cheap money, and cheap equipment are driving higher profits and the politics of austerity
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Every 28 Hours 2012 Report: Extrajudicial Killings of 313 Black People by Police, Security Guards, and Vigilantes
Kali Akuno: Study shows that every 28 hours a Black person is killed in the USA and that only 13 percent were actually involved in an activity that threatened someone's life
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People of the South to the North: Will You Face Up to Climate Catastrophe?
Martin Khor (Executive Director of the South Centre): Advanced countries of the North must cut emmisions in ratio to the amount they have polluted and facilitate transfer of green technology to the South or humanity will face calamity
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A Message From Paul Jay
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Phil Donahue: We are Breeding Terrorists
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Bill Moyers: Trading Democracy for 'Security'
Inside Story - The US Tax Trick
Incredible Testimony at Drone Wars Senate Committee Hearing By Yemeni Farea Al-muslimi

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"Love Has No Color": Georgia High School Students Set to Hold First Integrated Prom
Workers protest in Dhaka over factory deaths
Survivor of Bangladesh's Tazreen Factory Fire Urges U.S. Retailers to Stop Blocking Worker Safety
Iraq to investigate killing of protestors
Security forces kill dozens of Iraqi protesters

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Chris Hayes - The untold story of deregulating chemical plants under the Bush administration
Floods destroy valuable crop land in US
US budget cuts hit hard national parks
German 'algae experiment' powers green houses
Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America from Monsanto to Wal-Mart

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Proud Time To Be A Cowering Sack Of Shit As Democrats Back Off Assault Weapons Ban
George W Bush's Special Day In 100 Seconds:
Drones Are Evicting Foreclosed Families
Don't Do Cats (Move To Amend Campaign #6)
Susie Sampson for The Tea Party Report: More Bush?

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