The Message of MLK, Bradley Manning and the Collateral Murder Video and Best of the Week
 | Chris Hedges: Why I Resigned from PEN Chris Hedges: Suzanne Nossel, new head of PEN - which is supposed to defend human rights - supported war in Iraq and advocates use of military force in the name of democracy, lock step with Obama admin. wars in Afghanistan, drone attacks and more Go to story | Go to homepage |
 | Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. made the comment that the U.S. government [was/is] "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today". This was in context to a speech delivered on April 4, 1967 at Riverside Church in New York City - exactly one year before his untimely death. Go to story | Go to homepage |
 | Subsidized Corn Destroying Global Bio-Diversity Part 3. James Boyce: Industrial agriculture threatening existence of small farmers growing corn in Mexico and Guatemala; potatoes in Peru and the Andes; rice in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia - farmers who maintain the reservoir for adaptation of crops to new insects, new pests, and climate change Go to story | Go to homepage |
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