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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Study Debunking Austerity Research Sparks Wide Reaction

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News Stories
April 23, 2013
Study Debunking Austerity Research Sparks Wide Reaction
Bob Pollin (Co-Author of Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff): Deficit Hawks still defend conclusions of a study that contained spreadsheet errors and weighted selected countries in an inappropriate way; led to incorrect theory about public debt and growth
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Indigenous Town in Mexico Celebrates Two Years of Autonomy and Defense of their Community Forest
After two years of resisting illegal logging and organized crime, indigenous people in the town of Cheran Mexico demand justice for their assassinated community members and respect for their autonomous government
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Exclusive from Bahrain: Interview with Human Rights Activist on Repression Against Formula One Race Protest
Sam Husseini interviews Said Yousif al-Muhafda, who was jailed for his twitter activism, about arrests, mass teargassing and use of shotguns to suppress peaceful protest
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