Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New SEC Head Once Acted for Wall St Wonder Boy Dimon

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News Stories
April 1, 2013
Bolivia Passes Gender Violence Law
Legislation seeks to combat high levels of violence against women
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New SEC Head Once Acted for Wall St Wonder Boy Dimon
Dimitri Lascaris: New director of SEC was a Wall St. defense attorney who will now regulate former clients
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Venezuelan Election in Full Swing
Venezuelan Election in Full Swing Nicolas Maduro 14 points ahead of opposition leader; accusations of US involvement.
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Palestinians mark Land Day with protests
U.S. Citizens Arrested at Airport for Refusing Border Patrol Questions
Case of Pfizer Biotech Worker And Whistleblower
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Morning-After Pill Flash Mob Hits NYC Pharmacy

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Global Warning

Long winter freezes out Poland's white storks
Indonesian island aims to be clean energy model
Noam Chomsky: If Nuclear War Doesn't Get Us, Climate Change Will
Indoor Farm Goes 'Mega' Near Chicago
Energy Nominee Ernest Moniz Ties to BP, GE, Saudis

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