Friday, April 5, 2013

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Donate to The Real News!
April 4, 2013
Donate to The Real News!
If you appreciate The Real News, would like to see us strengthen and expand our work, then we need your financial support
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

AP Stops Using Phrase "Illegal Immigrant"

Citizen Journalism: Arkansas Exxon Pipeline Break

McDonalds Workers Mic Check New York City Franchise

Protester Vs Fox News: Acted in Self Defense

Anti-Racists vs. KKK in Memphis

Best of the web

New Era of Nuclear-Armed North Korea Forces U.S. to Reconsider War Games at Regime's Door

UN adopts landmark arms treaty...

How Powerful is the NRA? Even Gun Manufacturers Fear the Lobby in Washington

John Nichols: Democracy vs. Dollarocracy

Robert Reich on immigration reform plan: 'The stars are aligned in a very weird and unusual way'

Political Humor

The Daily Show: Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, and Bassem Youssef

The Colbert Report: Google offends Fox News

Bill Maher: Bible is 'insane, bronze age malarkey'

Bill Maher on the 'Gay Agenda'

John Fugelsang: GOP is flexible

Global Warning

Flash floods leave 11 dead in Mauritius capital

China's Official Bird Flu Reports Start to Raise Questions

Is GMO Food Safe to Eat?

ExxonMobil pipeline break a warning of what's to come with Keystone XL

Monsanto Protection Act Causing Obama Mass Backlash

Latest Blogs

A Forest of Poisonous Trees: The US Criminal (In)Justice System

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