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Saturday, April 20, 2013

28-year old PhD student debunks the most influential austerity study and Best of the Week

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28-year old PhD student debunks the most influential austerity study and Best of the Week

28-year old PhD student debunks the most influential austerity study
New study refutes Reinhart and Rogoff analysis that underpins austerity policy around the world; shows no relation between debt and lack of growth
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April 19

European Carbon Markets Fail - It's Time for Regulation
Patrick Bond: Carbon markets are now at "junk bond" status but US sabotages all attempts at binding emission targets
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Senate Immigration Bill: More Militarization of the Border, No Real Path to Citizenship
Isabel Garcia: New legislation will increase deportations, beef up police while worker status will help provide cheap labor for businesses but make citizenship almost impossible to attain
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"Manufacturing Consent" 25 Years Later
Edward S. Herman (co-author with Noam Chomsky of "Manufacturing Consent'): All the problems of the propaganda media model we talked about in the book have grown worse; new media like Real News show potential but need funding for more investigative journalism
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April 18

Massive Cheating Scandals Rock School Districts Nationwide
New allegations of test impropriety under Michelle Rhee in Washington DC follow 35 criminal indictments in nation's largest ever cheating scandal in Atlanta
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Most of Latin America Recognizes Maduro as President; Opposition Charges Fraud Demands Recount
Opposition member of National Electoral Council says vote results correct; Opposition waiting for ruling on recount
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April 17

Why did Rwandan War Lord Accused of Crimes in Congo, Give Himself Up to the ICC?
Maurice Carney: Rwanda hands over one warlord to ICC and props up others as it continues plunder of Congo's resources
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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accepts the resignation of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad
Fayyad represented pro-western interests in Palestine, and his policies came into increasing tension with those of President Abbas
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Growing Voices Among Palestinians Calling for a Single Democratic Secular State
With negotiations for a two state solution going nowhere, more Palestinians are calling for a single state solution
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What Drives US North Korea Policy?
Peter Lee: The US will not accept a rapprochement with North Korea with nuclear weapons, not because they are a real threat, but it would cause South Korea and Japan to seek nuclear weapons and thus weaken American dominance in the region
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April 16

North Korea Seeks End to US Sanctions and Isolation
Eric Margolis: The nuclear weapons program is the only card North Korea has to force the US to negotiate a normalization of relations
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Video Game and Tax Day Actions Target Corporate "Tax Evaders"
Nicole Tichon and Gan Golan: By projecting a Tax Evader video game on the side of banks and big corporate buildings, actions aim to focus public attention on banks and big companies that pay low to no taxes
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Arms Manufacturers Influence GCC and US Foreign Policy
Larry Wilkerson: Six big arms monopolies profit from tension and war; promote a strategic vision that favors their short term commercial interest
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Separate Bus Lines for Palestinians and for Colonists in the West Bank
During the global protests known as "Israel Apartheid Week," the Israeli government launched a segregated bus service, forcing Palestinians in the West Bank to travel only on buses designated to them
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April 15

Kerry's Attempt to Restart Negotiations in Israel/Palestine Has Failed
Kerry refuses to challenge the unequal power relations between Israel and Palestine
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Maduro Wins Venezuelan Election with 50.66% of Vote - Capriles Demands Audit
Greg Wilpert: Election far closer than expected as Maduro ran a weak campaign; electronic voting process verified by paper ballots, audit unlikely to find discrepancy
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401(k) and the Financialization of Retirement
Teresa Ghilarducci: The whole 401K structure has a fatal flaw and older workers are going into retirement with not enough money to maintain their living standards
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April 14

The Real News Debate: Social Security on the Table
Joseph Minarik (former chief economist of the Office of Management and Budget for eight years during the Clinton Administration) and economist Richard Wolff take on President Obama's proposed changes to Social Security
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Full Transparency Needed to Close Down Tax Havens and Massive Fraud
James Henry: Global tax revenue lost to tax havens is between USD $190 billion and $255 billion per year, assuming a 3% capital gains rate and a 30% capital gains tax rate
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A Message From Paul Jay
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