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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Will Obama Plan Create a "Rising... | Obama Avoids War... | SOTU: Obama Opens... | SOTU: Do Policy... | Clashes Erupt as Egyp...

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News Stories
February 13, 2013
Will Obama Plan Create a "Rising, Thriving Middle Class"?
Leo Panitch and Jennifer Taub: President Obama's SOTU shows he is far more wedded to private sector, free market solutions than "restoring the bargain" with the middle class
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Obama Avoids War Rhetoric with Iran
Glen Ford: Obama avoided bellicose language towards Iran and Syria but defended drone killings and remains committed to US role as the dominant global military power
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SOTU: Obama Opens Door to Grand Betrayal
Bill Black: President Obama offered up "reform" of medicare and social security, that is cuts at a time of deep recession
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SOTU: Do Policy Proposals Live up to Rhetoric on Wages and Climate Change?
Gerald Epstein: Language on wages and climate change could help shift the debate but policy proposals tied to interests of finance and private sector
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Clashes Erupt as Egyptians Commemorate Mubarak's Ousting
Over a hundred people injured, and one child killed as police violence mars the fall of Mubarak two years ago. Protesters enraged over continued repression vow to stay in the streets.
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Protesters clash with police in Cairo

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Political Humor

Marco Rubio Becomes His Own SOTU Driinking Game

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