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Friday, February 8, 2013

Egyptian Women Protest Against... | The End of Squatting... | Brennan Hearings: What is the Legal Basis...

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News Stories
February 8, 2013
Egyptian Women Protest Against Sexual Harassment
Two years of increased sexualized violence targeting female protesters has forced and ugly epidemic into the national spotlight
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The End of Squatting in the UK?
Calls from within government to fully criminalise squatting gather momentum. It could have serious implications for political occupations, and will it backfire on the government's plans to reduce its welfare budget?
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Brennan Hearings: What is the Legal Basis for Drone Targeted Killings?
Michael Ratner: There's no reason why the legal argument defending targeted killing should not be made public
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Code Pink Protestors Force Suspension Of Brennan Confirmation Hearing

Infiltrating ICE: How Undocumented Activists Are Organizing on the Inside

Egyptians take to streets against sexual violence

Indonesian workers protest over minimum wage delays

India enacts new children's rights' law

Best of the web

Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens

The Myth of Americans Living Beyond Their Means with Robert Reich

Is John Brennan the man for the top CIA job?

Probing Obama's drone wars -targeting US citizens?

Ed Shultz and Robert Greenwald talk about US Drone policy

Political Humor

The Great Gun Debate

US Government Found GUILTY Of Murdering Martin Luther King Jr.

Donald Trump To Sue Bill Maher for $5 Million Over Orangutan Joke

Gay Players in the NFL -Tim Tebow?!

Jon Stewart: Teachers getting hammered

Global Warning

North American snow storm could break records

The Climate Change Point of No Return

Warnings of N Korea's nuclear developments

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Fossil Fuel Divestment Expands Across US Campuses

Latest Blogs

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