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Friday, January 4, 2013


SSC recruit morethan 10000 Constables, Rifleman GD CAPF, ITBF, ITBP, CISF,CRPF, SSB, Assam Rifles Recruitment2012- 2013
Apply Online | www.ssc.nic.inSSC - Staff Selection Commission Recruitment of ConstableGD &Rifleman GD in CAPF ITBF, ITBP, CISF, CRPF, SSB,Assam Rifles Apply Online details 2012 -, www.ssc.nic.in1) SSC Constable GD & Rifleman GDRecruitment 2012 - 20132) CAPF ITBF, ITBP, CISF, CRPF, SSB,Assam Rifles Vacancy 3) Apply SSC ConstableRifleman GD CAPF ITBF, ITBP, CISF,CRPF, SSB, Assam Rifles Recruitment2012 2013 :-Staff SelectionCommission has issued therecruitment notification /Advertisement for recruit variousconstable GD & Rifleman GD posts forthe year 2013. This advertisement ispublished at SSC official website @ Online applicationsare inviting from eligible andinterested Indian citizens someimportant details are given below.Name of the organization:-StaffSelection Commission (SSC)Name of the Post:-Constable GD %Rifleman GD in CAPF ITBF, ITBP, CISF,CRPF, SSB, Assam RiflesNo of Posts :- Approximately22000posts.Educational Qualifications :-Matriculation or it's EquivalentAge Limit: between 18-23 years ason 01.01.2013 means candidatesshould have been born between 02.01.1990 and  01.01.1995.Upper agelimit is admissible as belowSc/ST candidates  up to 05 yearsOBC category candidates up to 03years Ex - Servicemen Category  +3 years.For more details about age relaxationfor some other categories readofficial advertisementSalary :Salary will be paid in pay band-1 5200/- 20200/- with grade pay Rs2000/-Application fee :- Rs 50/- throughCentral Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only .CRFS stamps are available atthe counter of all Departmental PostOffices of the country. Fee Stampsshould be pasted on the applicationform in the space earmarked OR SBIChallan or online payment throughaccount with the State Bank of IndiaWomen/SC/ST/Ex-ser Candidates areexempted from this Application fee.Selection Procedure:- Selection willbe done on the basis of Written Examand Physical Efficiency Test (PET) /Physical Standard Test (PST) andMedical Examination.for structure of Written Exam/Written Test read officialadvertisementHow to Apply: To apply Online modevisit SSc Official websites Server 1website @ Server 2 website @ up all fields care fully. Noteyour roll no. for future use. The Admitcard .Admission Certificate / Callletter etc procedure will be madewith this registration No.Help line/ Contact Nos zone wise:(i) SSC(NR), New Delhi - 01164715222, 01165570666(ii) SSC(CR), Allahabad- 05322460511,05326541021(iii) SSC(SR), Chennai- 09445195946,04428251139(iv) SSC(WR), Mumbai - 09869730700,07738422705(v) SSC(ER), Kolkata- 09477461228,09477461229(vi) SSC(MPR) Raipur - 09407921504,09407921505(vii)SSC(KKR), Bangalore- 08025502520, 09483862020(viii)SSC(NWR), Chandigarh -01722749378, 01722742144(ix)SSC(NER), Guwahati, - 09864217001, 09435711335Important Dates/RecruitmentSchedule Closing Date of online Apply11.01.2013Date of written Test/ WrittenExamination - 10th May - 2013PET/ PST will be held in February /March 2013Medical Examination will be heldJune / August 2013The result/ Results will be declared on30th September 2013.Click here for www.ssconline.nic.inSSC Constable Rifleman GDrecruitment notification /Advertisement For more details like selection list,final  merit list ,Call letterms regarding this SSC ConstableRifleman GD CAPF,  ITBF,  ITBP, CISF,CRPF, SSB, Assam Rifles Recruitment2012 2013 Apply Online details visitbelow official

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