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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hatred for Orthodox Jews Drove Israeli... | Jordanians Vote for the First Time... | TRNN This Week January 20 - January 25

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Hatred for Orthodox Jews Drove Israeli Elections | Jordanians Vote for the First Time Since Arab Spring | TRNN This Week January 20 - January 25

Hatred for Orthodox Jews Drove Israeli Elections
Max Blumenthal says anti-orthodox parties likely to join Netanyahu's coalition and push even harsher measures against Palestinians
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Jordanians Vote for the First Time Since Arab Spring
Islamic Action Front and opposition groups boycott parliamentary elections, regime not responding to demands for real government reform
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Davos Still Pushes Failed Global Vision
Bill Black reports from Davos that the Global Competitiveness Report pushes countries towards even more deregulation - policies that helped trigger the crisis
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Israeli Elections: The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same
Shir Hever says rising star Lapid will provide "moderate" cover for Netanyahu's perpetual negotiations; there is really no difference between them
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Arab Elites Defend Economic Models that Gave Rise to Arab Spring, but Made Them Rich
In Pt2 RAJA KHALIDI says in spite of people's urgent demand for economic change, Arab elites have not altered their dealing with the IMF and are trying to keep a lid on the region as a whole
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January 24

Seattle Teachers' Boycott of High Stakes Tests Spreads
Educators nationwide support growing Seattle teacher boycott of high stakes tests
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The Case Against Kerry
Stephen Zunes tracks the history of John Kerry from Vietnam War critic to Iraq war hawk
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What's Next for Palestine?
Raja Khalidi begins a series discussing the role of Qatar, unity of Hamas and Fatah and the prospects for Palestinian development as Israel's position hardens
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January 23

Israeli Election Results Closer Than Predictions
Israelis react to surprise gain of Yesh Atid party that swept second place in Israeli elections, potentially changing the nature of the next coalition government
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If I Were Attorney General
Michael Ratner outlines 10 things he would do if he were Attorney General in the new Obama Administration
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What Obama Should Do in the Next Four Years
Robert Johnson outlines what the President should do if his Inaugural Address is not just empty rhetoric
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The Bottom Line: Regulation
Econ4: Rules are as important in an economy as they are in sports
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January 22

Why is the Israeli Election a Fight Between the Far Right and Further Far Right?
Shir Hever: Most Israelis believe to maintain a Jewish majority requires a show of negotiations but a real permanent occupation of Palestinian territories
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Three Things Obama Can Do if he is Serious About Promise to Middle Class
Bob Pollin: The President still perpetuates myth there is a fiscal crisis
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Obama Speech Rings a Different Tone
John Nichols: The President is not a progressive, but speech promises a more reformist stand
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January 21

The Black Elite and the Legacy of Martin Luther King
Glen Ford: Black upper class took advantage of legal victories won by MLK and the Civil Rights Movement and then helped to undermine the movement
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Israel's Labor Party Plays Desperate Game to Elections
How Israel's social justice movement got co-opted in the elections on a ticket silent on the occupation
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French Intervention in Mali Violates UN Resolution; Root of Crisis Marginalization of the North
Emira Woods: The French have violated the UN resolution as they defend their resource interests; Africans want a comprehensive aid and political package for Northern Mali
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January 20

The Radicalization of Martin Luther King
Anthony Monteiro: Obama's presidency has nothing to do with the legacy of King, it's actually the opposite
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MLK: Why I Am Opposed to The War in Vietnam
Martin Luther King Jr gave this sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on April 30, 1967
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

WikiLeaks Legal Advisor on new film

Protection For Whistleblowers

"MLK Would Be Ashamed"- David Swanson Interview

CODEPINK Holds Vigil at John Brennan's House

US Marks 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

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Joe Biden Gaffe: 'I'm Proud to be President'

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America battles record low temperatures

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