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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GM Rejects Talks as Ex-worker Enters... | Lack of Criminal Prosecutions Linked to Obama... | Obama, Hagel and the...

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News Stories
January 30, 2013
GM Rejects Talks as Ex-worker Enters 71st Day Of Hunger-Strike
Ex-workers and their supporters aim to pressure GM to negotiate with employees injured at auto plant in Colombia
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Lack of Criminal Prosecutions Linked to Obama and Holder's Wall St. Connections
Dimitri Lascaris: Department of Justice under George Bush secured convictions of major figures from the business community in complex financial frauds and Obama and Holder have not done so following the worst epidemic of financial fraud in the modern era
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Obama, Hagel and the Asian Pivot
Allan Ruff and Steve Horn on Obama's imperial strategy to control the energy resources of Eurasia
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