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Monday, January 28, 2013

Filibuster Reform a Bust? | Global Mining and Tar Sands... | Spies and the Media | Obama: Rhetoric or New Direction?

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News Stories
January 28, 2013
Filibuster Reform a Bust?
Reformers don't obtain talking filibuster measure, say it's crucial to democratic process in Senate - an institution designed to suppress popular will
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Global Mining and Tar Sands Oil Drive Canadian Foreign Policy
Yves Engler: Harper's right wing foreign policy protects interests of big oil and mining
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Spies and the Media
Ana Machon: Intelligence agencies infiltrate and actively work to influence mainstream media
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Obama: Rhetoric or New Direction?
James K. Galbraith: The positions taken in the Inaugural Address suggest a more serious approach to climate change and a defense of social programs
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Political Humor

Maddow: GOP Expunging Any Trace Of Romney Campaign

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Obama's LAST Inauguration!

Global Warning

Watch 62 Years of Global Warming in 13 Seconds

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Battle over birth control

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