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Thursday, December 20, 2012

We've Reached 150K! If you haven't yet donated, still time for a 2012 tax receipt


We've Reached 150K! If you haven't yet donated, still time for a 2012 tax receipt

Dear Members,

Amazing!  Since November 12 we've raised 75K, and with the matching grant, we hit our 150K target today.

150K of funding supports a little over two months of TRNN's operating costs.  If you haven't already, please consider donating and sharing our news coverage with your friends and family.  There's still time to make a donation in 2012, which is tax-deductible in the US and Canada.

Your faithful support will help us continue to create uncompromising news reports and expand our programming next year.

We are very grateful for all your support, and we will work harder to make The Real News even better.

Happy New Year!
Paul Jay and the TRNN team

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