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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rival Factions Hamas and Fatah Say... | Israel Expands Settlements, Obama...| Congress Go Home - The "Fiscal Cliff...

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News Stories
December 4, 2012
Rival Factions Hamas and Fatah Say They Will After UN Vote
After years of bloodshed following an election in Gaza, rivals Hamas and Fatah say they will work together following Israel's assault and UNGA vote
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Israel Expands Settlements, Obama Expands Drones
Vijay Prashad: In response to UN vote on Palestine, Israel withholds tax revenue from PA and announces new settlement construction; drones become a weapon of "police action" in war on terror
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Congress Go Home - The "Fiscal Cliff" is a Scam Pt.4
James Galbraith: There is no emergency, the best thing for Congress to do is go home and let the new Congress deal with issues next year
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