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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bahrain Strips Citizenship as Crack Down... | Wilkerson: Senate Pushes Obama... | New York Activists Helping Turn...

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News Stories
December 6, 2012
Bahrain Strips Citizenship as Crack Down Continues
Reem Khalifa: Reforms promised after UN report are ignored by government
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Wilkerson: Senate Pushes Obama Towards War and Susan Rice a Bad Choice
Larry Wilkerson: The Senate passed a good amendment to NDAA but a terrible resolution on Iran; Susan Rice should be opposed on policy issues, not GOP rhetoric
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New York Activists Helping Turn Public Opinion Against NYPD's 'Stop and Frisk'
Majority of New Yorkers now oppose Stop and Frisk after years of litigation, grassroots activism, and civil disobedience
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Fossil Fuel Subsidies Five Times Greater Than Climate Aid

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