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Monday, November 5, 2012

Should People Vote for Obama or Third Parties... | Latinos campaign to vote out Joe... | Does jobs growth come from higher...

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News Stories
November 5, 2012
Should People Vote for Obama or Third Parties in Swing States?
David Swanson - build an independent movement and break from Democratic Party
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Should People Vote for Obama or Third Parties in Swing States?
Frank Hammer - break from Democratic Party but vote Obama to block a far right Presidency
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Latinos campaign to vote out Joe Arpaio
Voting rights advocates and Latino Activist work to encourage the community to vote out Joe Arpaio "America's Toughest Sheriff"
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Does jobs growth come from higher profits or wages?
Özlem Onaran: Research shows that a decrease in wages leads to lower demand and a decrease in economic growth, while higher profits lead to very little increased investment if demand is low
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Kuwaiti security forces use tear gas at rally

Anti-Austerity Protest Portland Business Alliance

Heckler Interrupts Romney Campaign Event

Distrust growing among voters in California

Brazilian Homeless occupy empty buildings

Best of the web

Glenn Greenwald on voters 'disenchanted' with Obama

Swing state Florida could hinge on Hispanic vote

Before Voting, Watch This Video

US-Israeli relations still tense over Iran

Israel admits Yasser Arafat deputy's assassination

Political Humor

Will Ferrell Will Do Anything to Get You to Vote

Operation Caymans: Finding Romney's Money

Chris Rock - Message for White Voters

The Colbert Report in 60 Seconds

The Partisan Report--Why Everything Sucks Now

Global Warning

Cold Weather and New Storm Add to Sandy Woes

Thousands need homes after Sandy

Weathering Super Storm Sandy in Chinatown

Raw: Gas Lines Growing in New Jersey

Raw: New Yorkers Line Up for Food

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