Monday, October 1, 2012

Venezuelan Barrios Vote for Chavez... | Shadow Banking Still an Unregulated... | Assange Speaks to UN

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News Stories
October 1, 2012
Venezuelan Barrios Vote for Chavez and Participatory Democracy
Are Venezuela's Communal Councils an extension of central power or an explosion of popular power?
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Shadow Banking Still an Unregulated Threat
Jennifer Taub: Before the crisis, the top five financial institutions had assets equivalent to 50 percent of GDP. Now let's fast-forward to 2011, three years after the crisis, if you look at the top five institutions that survived, and their assets are equal to 58 percent of GDP
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Assange Speaks to UN
Michael Ratner (US attorney for Julian Assange): Assange called for release of Bradley Manning and attacked President Obama's call for free speech while suppressing whistle blowers
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Mayor Lives On Food Stamps For A Week

Anonymous � You can't arrest an idea �

Budget cuts target Greece's most vulnerable

Protesters Peppered WITH MONEY!

Madrid protests: Indignados intend to return to the plaza today

Best of the web

ALEC Agenda: Money & Politics Cover-Up

Huge Bank Profits & Deepening Eurozone Debt Crisis

World News From The Middle East

Alice Walker: Women, Obama and the Election

Living Under Drones

Political Humor

Your Amateur Porn and Employers

Union-Buster Scott Walker Wants NFL Union Referees Back!

Joe Biden Hitchhikes To Democratic National Convention

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship

JK Rowling Vs Mitt Romney On Taxes

Global Warning

Southern Spain battered by flash floods

Nauru asks UN to fight climate change

Thousands displaced by Nigeria floods

Philippines flooding

Ban in India's tiger reserves hits tourism

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