Saturday, October 6, 2012

TRNN This Week September 30 - October 5

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TRNN This Week September 30 - October 5
October 5, 2012
Jimmy Carter says: "Election Process in Venezuela is the Best in the World"
Opposition agrees voting technology functions well, but criticizes use of state resources in Chavez reelection campaign
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Elements in Iran and US that Want War
Larry Wilkerson: After recent meetings with Iranian leaders, it's clear the US has lost the ability to understand how other states see their interests
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Black Financial and Fraud Report
Bill Black: Obama susceptible to attack by Romney because he failed to deal with systemic risk to financial system - even though Romney would be worse
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The Debate: A Masterful Liar Defeats a Man Without Conviction
Leo Panitch: Romney's defense of small banks, small businesses and the middle class is disingenuous, but Obama share's too many of the same assumptions to counterattack
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The Debate: What They Didn't Talk About
Bruce Dixon, Managing Editor of Black Agenda Report, on first Presidential debate
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The Debate: Why Didn't Obama Attack the Bush Years?
Jeff Faux: The similarity of positions and Obama's refusal to explain the real causes of the crisis gave the debate to Romney
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The Debate: A Sorry Affair
Tom Ferguson: Neither candidate presented a vision that will solve the crisis
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The Debate: Why Didn't Obama Defend his Record?
James Henry: Obama has accomplishments he could have defended, but he was more concerned with appearance than substance
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US Elections: Pick Your Poison
Chris Hedges: The system has not been able to respond in a rational way, the way the Roosevelt administration responded rationally through the New Deal. And because of that, we're in deep, deep trouble. So I think all of our hope now has to be invested in acts of civil disobedience
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October 3

Hardliners, Weapons-Makers the Real Winners in Japan-China Dispute
Japanese and Chinese nationalists are willing to bet their countries' futures for the sake of national pride and a handful of uninhabited islands in the sea, but it may be the global weapons-making industry that walks away with the pot.
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US Elections: Pick Your Poison
Chris Hedges: The system has not been able to respond in a rational way, the way the Roosevelt administration responded rationally through the New Deal. And because of that, we're in deep, deep trouble. So I think all of our hope now has to be invested in acts of civil disobedience
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Will the Russian Left Respond to Deepening Economic Crisis?
Aleksandr Buzgalin: The Russian left shows signs of growth in spite of being shut out of mass media
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October 2

Faced with Police Violence, Thousands return to Spanish Parliament
In response to the police violence throughout last week and in reaction to the 2013 budget cuts, thousands converged outside the Spanish parliament on Saturday.
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Little Debate About Afghan War in Election Campaign
Gareth Porter: Afghan war a failure, yet there is little debate about why and what to do next
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Shadow Banking and Conventional Banking Depend on Government Support
Jennifer Taub - Part 2: I think we need to look at the banking system and say: if our government is providing support, either through the FDIC or through the Fed, which when it engages in printing money obviously affects the economy and the value of goods and services, if a bank has that, they obviously are—this is a government banking system.
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October 1

Venezuelan Barrios Vote for Chavez and Participatory Democracy
Are Venezuela's Communal Councils an extension of central power or an explosion of popular power?
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Shadow Banking Still an Unregulated Threat
Jennifer Taub: Before the crisis, the top five financial institutions had assets equivalent to 50 percent of GDP. Now let's fast-forward to 2011, three years after the crisis, if you look at the top five institutions that survived, and their assets are equal to 58 percent of GDP
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Assange Speaks to UN
Michael Ratner (US attorney for Julian Assange): Assange called for release of Bradley Manning and attacked President Obama's call for free speech while suppressing whistle blowers
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September 30

Assange Speaks to UN
Michael Ratner (US attorney for Julian Assange): Assange called for release of Bradley Manning and attacked President Obama's call for free speech while suppressing whistle blowers
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Financialization and the World Economy
Gerry Epstein: Financialization of the economy has been developing since the late 19th century and is now at historic Levels
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Turkish Demonstrators, Police Clash After Parliament Votes to Strike Syria

Indonesian workers decry cheap-labour policy

Riot police arrest 17 at Walmart warehouse worker solidarity rally

Immokalee Workers Bring Fair Food Fight to Chipotle

Jay-Z Concert and Protests Open Barclays Center

Best of the web

Behind the Giants of Commodity Trading

Gar Alperovitz: Systemic Crisis, Politics as Usual

The Reaganization of Romney

Debate: How to Create Jobs? Obama, Mitt Romney, Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson Respond

Shields and Brooks: First Debate Focused on Details Rather than Larger Themes

Political Humor

Presidential Debate: You Snooze, You Lose

TRUTH About Mayan Prediction World Ending in 2012

The Best 'Zingers' At The Presidential Debate

What are Obama & Romeny whispering

Exclusive Interview With Invisible Mitt Romney

Global Warning

Cool New Recycled Flip-Flops Tap Age-Old Technique

Organic farmers beat US droughts

Global ecosystems under threat

Millions affected in Assam floods

Virginia Residents Fight Back Against Nuclear Industry Effort to Lift Ban on Uranium Mining

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