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Saturday, October 27, 2012

TRNN This Week October 21 - October 26

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TRNN This Week October 21 - October 26
October 27, 2012
Gaddafi and 66 Others Murdered After Capture - Human Rights Watch
Vijay Prashad: Report says that Misrata-based militias butchered Gaddafi then captured and disarmed members of the Gaddafi convoy and executed at least 66 at the nearby Mahari Hotel
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Romney Made Multi-Millions in Detroit Bailout
Greg Palast: Romney's "blind" trust and his allies made tens of millions in the GM/Chrysler bailout by purchasing a parts manufacturer and threatening to close down GM if not bought out at an inflated price
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Black Financial and Fraud Report
Bill Black: Government Sues Bank of America but No Criminal Prosecutions
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October 25

Law Enforcement Officials Call for an End to "The War On Drugs"
Jim Gierach a former Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County, Illinois and Richard Van Wickler superintendent for the Cheshire County, New Hampshire Department of Corrections call for the legalization of drugs
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Baltimore, Race and the Occupy Movement
Editors of the book "We Are Many" discuss how the Occupy Movement can overcome the racial divide
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October 24

Most Greeks Look to Left for Solutions, but Far Right Gaining Strength
Costas Lapavitsas Pt.2: Left party Syriza leads polls but conditions for fascism also developing as crisis deepens
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Should Progressives Vote for Obama?
Phyllis Bennis: Both parties represent big capital and corporations, but Romney will be even more aggressive against working people
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Big London Protests Against Austerity
Protest brings tens of thousands into the streets, but are such mobilizations enough to stop the cuts?
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October 23

Wilkerson and Prashad on Foreign Policy Debate
Vijay Prashad and Lawrence Wilkerson comment on Presidential debate on US foreign policy
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Foreign Policy Debate Ignores Honduras, Congo and Repression in Egypt
Jihan Hafiz, Adrienne Pine and Kambale Musavuli discuss the Presidential debate on foreign policy
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Why are Obama and Romney Bashing China?
Minqi Li on Presidential foreign policy debate and why Obama and Romney are competing to be the "tough guy" on China
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October 22

New Robin Hood Tax Introduced In Congress
A half-percent tax on all financial transactions makes it to Congress
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Advocates of Universal Healthcare Protest Obama and Romney
New York Doctors protest lack of single-payer activists in presidential debates
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Should Progressives Vote Obama in a Swing State?
A debate with Cheri Honkala, VP candidate of the Green Party and Jeff Cohen of
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October 21

Britain's Unions Bring London to a Standstill
100 thousand workers march on the capital as unions warn austerity isn't working and threaten a general strike for the first time since 1926
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The Wilkerson Report
Lawrence Wilkerson: Why Idaho will Vote for Romney and Drone Strikes Create Suicide Bombers
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Court Rules Khalid Sheik Mohammed Can't Testify About Torture
The Michael Ratner Report: Trial has a 40 second delay on feed to journalists so military can censor testimony
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Sextremism & The Future of Feminism

Wesleyan President Grabs DN! Microphone as Students Protest End to Need-Blind Admissions

Russell Means: Warrior for the People

Wait, WHO Owns The F***ing Voting Machines?!

Occupy Vancouver Year Two

Best of the web

Incestuous Orgy Between Washington & Wall Street

Who Owns the World? Noam Chomsky on US-Fueled Dangers From Climate Change to Nuclear War

Ground Zero: Syria - Assad's Child Victims

Ralph Nader: The Corporatization of Your Dreams

Exclusive: As Obama/Romney Agree on Afghan War, Israel & Syria, 3rd Parties Give Alternative

Political Humor

Romney's Terrifying Google Search History Leaked

The Daily Show in :60 Seconds

Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

Sarah Silverman: Corporations Are People

Romney Free To Be Himself

Global Warning

Devastating drought hits western India

Hurricane Sandy threatens to morph into super storm

Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?

Hurricane Sandy Threatens to Bombard Northeast

Non-Motorized Transit Solutions? - Mayor Darwin Hindman at TEDxCoMo

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