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Saturday, September 22, 2012

TRNN This Week September 16 - September 21


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TRNN This Week September 16 - September 21
September 21, 2012
Is the Arizona Mexico Border a War Zone?
Local politicians say that spill over violence is a major threat but do the facts bear this out?
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The Black Financial and Fraud Report
Bill Black: Top Justice official tells Wall St. how to avoid prosecution
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The Neocons and 9/11
Robert Parry: The emerging history of 9/11 reveals that President George W. Bush's failure to protect the nation resulted from neocon insistence that Iraq was the real threat, not al-Qaeda. The political relevance today is that the neocons want back into power under a Mitt Romney presidency
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September 20


As Strike Ends, Chicago Teachers and Activists To Fight School Closings
Activists with "Journey For Justice" demand national moratorium on school closings
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Colombian GM Workers Back on Hunger Strike After Negotiations Break Down
TRNN exclusive interview with Jorge Parra, president of the Association of Injured Ex-Workers of GM Colombia. Some members have re-sewn their lips shut as they resume their hunger strike to the death.
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Netanyahu Inserts Himself in US Elections as Adelson Stands to Reap Millions if Romney Wins
Danny Schechter: Israel's PM Goes on US TV and GOP Financier will reap massive tax savings if Romney wins election
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September 19


Chicago Teachers Union Votes to End Historic Strike
Chicago Teachers say fight to defend public education ongoing
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Thousands Protest On Occupy Wall Street's One Year anniversary
September 17th 2012 marks one year since people started camping out in a NYC park to denounce Wall Street greet. The movement of the 99% gathered in NYC's financial district for three days of protests, celebration and education
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Anti-US and Labor Protests Challenge Egyptian President
Lina Attalah: President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood trying to navigate US alliance and growing economic crisis
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September 18


Anti-Austerity Protests and Strikes Rock Spain
Spain's struggling public sector workers and the unemployed converged on Spain's capitol to denounce their governments decision to implement deeper spending cuts.
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Chavez Leads Polls as Opposition Fractures
October 7th election to decide future of Venezuela's 21st Century Socialism
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Anti-US Protests Grow
Vijay Prashad: Religious issue a way to deliver a political message
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September 17


Chicago Teachers Strike Enters Second Week
Chicago Mayor Emanuel seek court injunction to force teachers back to work
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Immigrant workers and Occupy fight for labor rights at Hot and Crusty
As the world is watching to see what will happen during Occupy Wall Street's one year anniversary, a group of immigrant workers at a Hot & Crusty Café organize against labor abuses and wage theft with the support of Occupy Wall Street.
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American Autumn: An Occudoc
Filmmaker Dennis Trainor Jr. on his new film and the challenges facing the Occupy Movement
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September 16


Anti-Austerity Protests Sweep West Bank
Palestinians take to the streets of the West Bank against neoliberalism and economic dependency agreements with Israel
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South African Miners Strike a Challenge to ANC
Vishwas Satgar: Government forced to drop murder charges against miners
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

No end in sight to Bolivia mine unrest
Is Occupy movement over?
Exclusive: Live At Illinois Plant As Workers Camp Out to Pressure Romney, Bain to Save Jobs
Arun Gupta and Marina Sitrin on Occupy's Anniversary
Chicago Teachers Union's Karen Lewis: Deal Ending Strike a Victory for Education. 1 of 2

Best of the web

US buys ads in Pakistan to counter anti-Islam video
The Morality of Drone Warfare
Drone secrecy put to test in court
Mother Jones Reporter David Corn on the Secret Romney Video That's Upended 2012 Campaign
The Story Behind the Mother Jones/Romney Video

Political Humor

Sarah Silverman's Profane New PSA
The Colbert Report: 9/20/12 Recap
The Daily Show: 9/20/12 Recap
Fox And Friends Falsely Reports Obama Met With A Pirate This Week
Eastwood on RNC: 'If Somebody's Dumb Enough to Ask Me...'

Global Warning

Melting Arctic ice cap is like an open door on the earth's freezer, warns climate activist
Greenpeace north of the Arctic Circle
Arctic Sea Ice Reaches All-Time Low
No waste recycling plant in Leh
Green energy: tomorrow's reality

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