Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gain Instant Access to Your Computer Using Unlock My Password


Unlock My Password is an easy-to-use software application tool that can instantly reset a Windows local or administrative controller password in under 30 seconds. It does not require any portion of the password, nor require any skill level of the user. It can work with all current Windows platforms and requires nothing more than an external storage system including a DVD, CD or USB stick.


Locked Out Accessibility


Before this innovative software application was developed, computer users that were locked out because they could not remember their PC login information had to reinstall the operating system. Often times through the reinstallation of Windows they lost valuable information, documents, files and folders. Typically, the process took the computer back to its original state with no restorative points, software programs or applications.


A Simple Solution


However with Unlock My Password, computer users with PCs operating on all Windows platforms can regain access almost instantly. It does not harm any programs, applications, files or folders. All JPEG, MPEG and other audio/video files are left completely intact. The program simply opens up to full computer access to an administrative or user account.


Operates in Any Windows Platform


Designed as an effective Windows password "un-locker" or "resetter", Unlock My Password is a third-party software application that works on Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000 / NT. It requires an accessible computer with a bootable USB flash stick or DVD/CD to download the software application and store it on the bootable drive. The moment any login issue arises, you need only to insert the bootable USB flash/DVD/CD with the software application into an auxiliary drive and reboot your computer.


How It Works


Insert the saved program on a bootable USB/CD/DVD into the auxiliary drive into your locked computer and select the option to allow the computer to "reboot" from your auxiliary drive. From there the software application will automatically search through your registry files to gather information required for access into Windows. Once the information is found, it will change the settings to provide you the opportunity to input a new password.


Once complete, your computer will automatically restart, and when prompted you be required to type in your new password. Instantly, you will gain full access to your computer including the ability to connect onto the Internet, run programs and applications, or search through files and folders. Unlock My Password is highly recommended to any computer user operating on a Windows platform.


Click Here To Unlock Your Password

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