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Thursday, September 20, 2012

As Strike Ends, Chicago Teachers... | Colombian GM Workers Back on Hunger... | Netanyahu Inserts Himself in US Elections...

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News Stories
September 20, 2012
As Strike Ends, Chicago Teachers and Activists To Fight School Closings
Activists with "Journey For Justice" demand national moratorium on school closings
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Colombian GM Workers Back on Hunger Strike After Negotiations Break Down
TRNN exclusive interview with Jorge Parra, president of the Association of Injured Ex-Workers of GM Colombia. Some members have re-sewn their lips shut as they resume their hunger strike to the death.
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Netanyahu Inserts Himself in US Elections as Adelson Stands to Reap Millions if Romney Wins
Danny Schechter: Israel's PM Goes on US TV and GOP Financier will reap massive tax savings if Romney wins election
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Chicago Teachers Union's Karen Lewis: Deal Ending Strike a Victory for Education. 1 of 2

Michigan's Local Dictators' Law?

Roundtable Discussion: Occupy 1 Year Later

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Political Humor

Campaignful: GOP Strategists Plan the RNC

Mitt Romney Graciously Accepts Thing He Has Paid Millions Of Dollars For

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