Sunday, September 16, 2012

Anti-Austerity Protests Sweep West Bank | South African Miners Strike a Challenge to ANC

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News Stories
September 16, 2012
Anti-Austerity Protests Sweep West Bank
Palestinians take to the streets of the West Bank against neoliberalism and economic dependency agreements with Israel
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South African Miners Strike a Challenge to ANC
Vishwas Satgar: Government forced to drop murder charges against miners
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Protesters march throughout Pakistan

Cornel West and Tavis Smiley's Poverty Tour 2.0 Hits the Battleground States

South African police raid striking miners

Protestor Interrupts Paul Ryan At Values Voters Summit

A Decade of Injustice - UK

Best of the web

Current Reporting from Middle East TV

Paul Ryan may have broken up with Ayn Rand, but their extreme ideas sound awfully similar

Markos Moulitsas advises Mitt Romney: 'Go dark' and hope voters forget what you're like

US Embassy in Tunis under fire

Damage Control - USA

Political Humor

Putin Learns Putin Behind Plot To Assassinate Putin

Boy Band Anthem Turned Into Romney Parody Song

The Day In 100 Seconds: Values Voters

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship

Jimmy Fallon & Florence Welch: Balls in Your Mouth

Global Warning

Wildfire erupts in Los Angeles: Helicopters and aeroplanes help put out the blaze

How to Boil a Frog

US crops in a poor state

Extreme weather: the new norm?

Raw Video: Fires Burn 3200 Acres in N. Calif.

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