Getting Back To Normal Is Still Not Normal
The biggest hurdle you will probably encounter is your own patience. You must recognize this as a journey toward better health and better hair. You will know it when you arrive at your destination, but there are plenty of windy roads on your way.
Even the healthiest of all women still has a constant flux of hormones and counteracting hormones throughout her body. For two weeks of every month a woman's body surges with the feminine hormone estrogen, which is the most potent weapon against the male hormone DHT that causes hair loss in women.
After those two weeks, the estrogen production decreases and it is replaced with progesterone, a hormone essential to pregnancy and a feminine equivalent to testosterone. After two more weeks, the cycle begins again.
You also have a flux of hormones in your body, but not the right hormones. For a variety of reasons, your body is flooded with DHT. You are probably still producing progesterone, but not estrogen. With no estrogen to counteract the progesterone, it is also flooding your body amplifying the affects of the DHT.
As you work on curing your hair loss, you will be getting back to normal. Every month, the amount of DHT in your system will be less than the month before. Soon enough, your body will gradually increase the amount of estrogen produced each month.
As your estrogen levels increase, the amount of DHT in your system will be counteracted. It should only be a few months before there is noticeably less shedding. However curing women's hair loss is complicated by a woman's natural hormonal cycle. At some point during the month, the estrogen levels will fall off and there will be nothing to counteract the DHT. Then, the hair loss will seem to reaccelerate.
If you can maintain control and patience, you will notice each month that the periods of shedding will become shorter and less extreme. Eventually, you will get to a point where you are not producing any DHT and the hair loss will stop, giving the chance for new hair to finally grow and stay. Until that time, you have to not see these monthly hurdles as setback but rather as a sign that your body is actually returning to a healthy, cyclical state.
Be Weary Of Outside Influences
Almost any psychiatrist will tell you that humans tend to surround themselves with other people who make them feel "safe." More specifically, we surround ourselves with people who make us feel better about our own weaknesses either by being generally supportive or by having similar weaknesses themselves. While it may not be hair loss, chances are some of your friends have other obvious insecurities about their weight, skin, figure, or a similar issue.
It is fine when these friends are supportive of the changes you make in your life. When you go out with them and order a healthy appetizer as a meal and they are consuming an entrée with a day's worth of calories in every bite, they should applaud your efforts and make you feel like a role model. When you drop 10 pounds your friends should be the first to pat you on the back.
If your friend's are not showering you with this kind of support, it is time to reevaluate the situation. Unfortunately, it is all too common that our friends themselves are the biggest hurdles we must overcome. Issues like women and hair loss involve a lot of insecurities. You overcoming your problem may make your friends increasingly aware of their own unresolved insecurities. They may choose to use your success as a roadmap or to try to spoil your success and derail your progress.
The later is unfortunate, but it is also a fact of life. You can cut out their negativity and succeed or you can give into it and fail. The choice is entirely yours.
In fact, the choice is always yours no matter what challenge you face. The ability to cure hair loss and re-grow hair is yours if you can stay on course. Whether it is patience, peer pressure or something else entirely, the sooner you recognize your personal obstacles the better you can arm yourself against it.
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
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