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Monday, August 20, 2012

Anxiety Attack or Erythrophobia?

Anxiety attacks are pretty common nowadays among the general public, but if you are suffering from constant anxiety attacks with severe symptoms listed below, it's advisable to get it checked out by a doctor immediately. For getting it properly diagnosed its essential that you get it checked by a professional with enough experience in the field. First thing that you have to understand is that anxiety attacks are a pretty common disorder and that you do not have to be ashamed of yourself. Before going to the doctor make sure to make a list of the symptoms that you are encountering while you are having an anxiety attack.

The most common problem faced is that patients don't want to get their symptoms checked as they fear it might be due to some serious medical condition, and they also worry about the general perception about them if they go on to seek the treatment. Taking care of your anxiety disorder doesn't have to take years, your health care specialist can provide you with enough proven techniques to get rid of your anxiety attack symptoms. According to various concerned authorities, sudden and intense onset of any of the 4 general symptoms during you attack diagnoses you suffering from anxiety/panic attacks. The various general symptoms are stated below:

Palpitations: Fast beating or pounding of heart

It involves irregular or regular beating of heart with abnormal intensity. You can easily feel your own heartbeat and also sometimes stopped or skipped heart beats. It can also be felt in any of the area where an important and a large vein passes such as neck, thorax and throat. It is sometimes accompanied by several emotions such as fear and excitement. If you are experiencing these palpitations during strenuous exercise, or due to the onset of strong emotions, then you don't have to worry its pretty normal.

Pain in the chest or severe discomfort

Normally when people suffer from chest pains they get instantly very afraid as severe chest pain is associated with "heart attack". During these sharp jolts of pain you may feel heaviness, discomfort or pressure in the chest. But If you are suffering from such chest pains you don't have to get afraid so easily it can easily be a symptom of something totally unrelated to heart.

Nausea and Vomiting

This is the second most common symptom in those people who are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks. It's a feeling or sensation of onset of vomiting with a very bad taste in mouth. Both of these functions are controlled by the part of the central nervous systems that control all the involuntary bodily functions. Normally vomiting is a reflex action which can be triggered by smell, taste, pain or anxiety

Shortness of Breath Difficulty Breathing

Sometimes we get a feeling of choking, difficulty breathing or not being able to get enough air. This is a result of important parts of the body not being able to get enough oxygen. This can be caused by emotional distress or in some medical conditions such as asthma.

Trembling or Shaking

This occurs when we lose control of our voluntary nervous system which results in constant shaking of our body, trembling. It is more visible in outer extremities such as the hands and legs. But in severe cases it can be found all over the body, with you not even being able to stand firmly on the ground.

Sweating and excessive perspiration

Well this is the most common symptom of anxiety and panic attacks. When you are in a socially compromising or embarrassing situation you feel your palms going wet, whole lot of sweating from your forehead this is excessive perspiration. In case of anxiety attacks their intensity is increased 10 times and their onset is also really sudden and it is found all over the body.

Facial Blushing/Erythrophobia

Erythrophobia is a sudden reddening of the face that occurs spontaneously or in response to stressful stimuli. It can come on in any stressful situation, for example public speaking. You are anxious and nervous, your body temperature increases and your heart rate speeds up. You shake, tremble, have a shortness of breath and you might even feel nausea.

Hmmmmmm…if you hadn't noticed, every symptom of Erythrophobia were those of the same as a general Anxiety Attack. Think about this. What situations do you find yourself feeling an anxiety attack coming on? Do you blush? Does the very thought of blushing want to make you want to blush more? Are you worried about what people are thinking of you? Are you worried that you are turning red, blushing and possibly even sweating?

If so, you may have narrowed your anxiety attatck problem to a case of Erythrophobia! Erythophobia is treatable, and the beauty of it is that the symptoms go away before the actual phobia does! I know that sounds strange, but sometimes if you focus on your actual symtoms and treating those, you find yourself stopping making excuses for yourself and finally allow yourself to get help! Covering them up with a medical term like "Anxiety Disorder" is too easy. Your doctor can quickly diagnose you and write you a prescription and send you on your way, but the truth of the matter is you will not find comfort in knowing that you have conquered your actual "phobia"!

So its time to put on your big girl or big boy pants, and start learning about your new phobia my friend. Erythophobia. Yes, the phobia your doctor doesn't want you to know about, because they can't write you off a prescription and send you on your way. Nope, there's no money to be made in this department of phobias! But don't worry, now that you have a good idea of what you most likely are suffering from after all, you can now treat it! The internet is a beautiful thing my friends, use it =) That's E-r-y-t-h-r-o-p-h-o-b-i-a.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

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