Saturday, July 21, 2012

TRNN This Week July 15 - July 20

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TRNN This Week July 15 - July 20
July 21, 2012

July 20

Roots of Correa's Ecuador
A big grassroots movement shaped this South American Republic's new policies
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Obama and the "March of Folly"
Jeff Faux Pt3: Obama understands what needs to be done but like the Republicans, he responds to the needs of big money
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July 19

Mass Protests Against Mexican Election Results
Student movement takes to the streets to reject what they call election fraud
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In the Shadow of Ronald Reagan
Jeff Faux Pt2: Since Reagan America has not looked to the future and this includes Clinton and Obama
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July 18

Interest Rate-Fixing Scandal Swindles Cities out of Millions of Dollars
Amidst the financial crisis of 2008 and resultant recession, cities and states around the country lost millions of dollars on investments tied to the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor).
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The Hunger Games Economy
Jeff Faux: Dreams of Wall St. and Military Industrial Complex are not compatible with dreams of American middle class
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July 17

Clinton Reaffirms Backing of Egypt's Military Junta
As Egypt lurches toward a civilian state, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pays a visit to the country's civilian and military leaders. Clinton avoids blaming military for violent transitional period, despite $1.3 billion dollars in aid to the generals.
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Report on the Greek Left
Leo Panitch: Recently returned from Greece, a report on Syriza, the left party that could win the next election
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July 16

Will Obama Admin. Prosecute the Big Banks for LIBOR Manipulation?
Michael Greenberger: With Wall St.'s embace of Romney, Obama has nothing to lose prosecuting the big banks for the LIBOR fraud
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Thousands of Mexicans Protest Alleged Elections Fraud
James Cockcroft: Mexican Elite will not allow Andres Lopez Obrador to be President
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July 15

Baltimore, Big Banks and a Criminal Conspiracy
Bill Black: The LIBOR fraud stole millions upon millions from American cities and people around the world
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Pt2 Is Public Ownership the Solution?
Gar Alperovitz: There is nothing new about public ownership of major enterprises in the USA
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Spain police clash with austerity protesters

Protests Could Stop Shell's Arctic Drilling

Human Bee In - The Waggle Dance

LAPD Police Shoot Rubber Bullets at Occupy LA

Labor Rally in Support of Con Ed Lock Out

Best of the web

Denver Shooting Rampage Leaves 12 Dead, 50 Wounded in Latest of Unparalleled US Gun Attacks

Which CEO made $5 million stealing your kid's lunch money?

Matt Taibbi: LIBOR Rate-Fixing Scandal

Is Syria's civil war turning into a revolution?

Robert Fisk on the Damascus blast

Political Humor

Awesome week for GOP: George W & Michele Bachmann

Did The Lord Say To Be A Greedy A$$hole?

The Godawful Particle

George Bush on Global Warming - Spoof by Will Ferrell

George W Bush: 8 years was awesome

Global Warning

Nigeria gold rush is killing children

Global impact as drought wilts US crops

Going 'Beyond Pesticides' to Save the Bee Population

Spying on Scientists: How FDA Monitored Whistleblowers Who Raised Concerns over Radiation

Pesticide linked to Parkinson's disease

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