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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally – A Complete Solution

Over 1 billion people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure / hypertension. Many of these people take medication to control it. The medication is only treating the symptoms. If all you needed was a ten day or seven day prescription to eliminate the cause, the drug companies would go out of business.

Yes you can control, reduce and may even eliminate hypertension naturally regardless if you taking prescription medication or not. You can do this with a complete solution.

If you can eat, breathe and move you can lower your blood pressure naturally.

Here are some guidelines for your eating habits:
o Prepare a healthy meal at night for the next day as you have total control over your nutritional choices
o Reduce your salt intake to less than 1500mg a day
o Replace a coffee with green tea
o Replace soft drinks with water
o Minimize your fast food to once a week or less – fast food generally has a lot of sodium in it
o Eat foods that have a high water content
o Reduce your sugar intake
o Follow the food guide first, then supplement second

The key is to do this on gradual basis as compared to doing it "cold turkey"
For example take one week and each day have a green tea instead of a coffee. Another thing you may want to try is have red delicious apple instead of coffee first thing in the morning.

The following week continue this habit and then add one glass of water to your eating habits. Over a period time replacing one piece junk food something healthy will help you.

Here are some guidelines for deep breathing that will help you with your hypertension.
o Take ten to fifteen minutes a day to some breathing exercises
o Start by breathing in for a count of three and out for a count of three
o You can do this standing, sitting or lying down
o As you do your breathing picture your self with low blood pressure
o Find soft music to be in the background when you do the breathing

Enjoy the process. Deep breathing is an excellent natural remedy to control or eliminate hypertension if you are consistently in a state of stress.

Finally, start moving your body. The more your body moves the more your blood flows naturally in the body. If you have a sedentary job it is important that you get up and walk around the office a few times during the day. At lunch if the environment allows go for a twenty minute walk. When you walk the blood vessels widen to allow blood to pass through to feed the working muscles. This occurs naturally.

You may also want to start a proper strength training program if your family doctor or cardiologist permits it.

In general, the more active you are using the bigger muscles of the body, the healthier you will be.

The choice is up to you; however as I have suffered in the past from blood pressure medication side effects I suggest you take a serious look into what you need to do to improve your health .

Remember to eat, breathe and move to lower your high blood pressure naturally.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

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