Saturday, June 16, 2012

TRNN This Week June 10 - June 15

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TRNN This Week June 10 - June 15
June 16, 2012
Egypt Moves Towards Outright Dictatorship
Jihan Hifaz: Supreme Court disbands Parliament and brings back emergency powers; Real News crew temporarily detained
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Euro-Crisis Used to Destroy Social Contract
European adjustments are not the product of a mistake, but a design to break down some of the leftover architecture of the Cold War, which might be called the insurance premium that was paid against conversion to communism.
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June 14

Greeks Face a Momentous Decision
Costas Lapavitsas: If Syriza wins coming elections and does not fulfill its promises, face up to leaving the Euro, it will open a path for far right
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Hundreds Rally to Fight for Philadelphia Public Schools
Philadelphia communities outraged by austerity and school privatization
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June 13

Marching in Memory of Khaled Said, Protesters Call For Election Boycott
"The Military Council is trying to stick us between two candidates, so we've created a third option: boycott the elections or spoil your vote"
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What I'd Ask JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon
Robert Johnson: We are unlikely to hear tough questions from Senate Banking Committee as JP Morgan is their biggest campaign contributor
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What Would a Green Industrial Strategy Look Like?
Robert Pollin: Shifting spending from the military-industrial complex to a green economy would create more jobs and build a sustainable industrial base
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The Best of Larry Wilkerson
TRNN's collection of Larry Wilkerson interviews
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June 12

Egyptian Men and Women Protest Sexual Harassment
After several violent attacks against women in the heart of the revolutionary Tahrir Square, male and female activists organized a protest against an issue that is rarely talked about in Egypt.
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Five "Indisputable Points" About Human Caused Climate Change
Jeff Kiehl: There has been a breakdown between scientific information and effective public policy
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Will Military Budget Cuts Weaken Defence and Lose Jobs?
Bob Pollin: Cuts triggered by the Congressional sequestration process are not as big as Pentagon spin and military spending is an inefficient "job creator"
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June 11

Reflections on Wisconsin
Report on film "We Are Wisconsin", featuring Brian and Melissa Austin; active police officer and a housewife turned activist
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America has an Industrial Policy - It's Run by the Pentagon
Bob Pollin: We need an industrial policy aimed at jobs and a green economy, not massive public spending on the military
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Israel and Women's Disobedience
Social TV: Israeli women who disobey the movement restrictions the state is forcing on the Palestinians are being threatened and made targets of investigations of the police
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June 10

Who Wants Peace in Colombia?
Forrest Hylton: The far right is not interested in a peace process
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Climate Change: Hasn't Warming Happened Before?
Valérie Masson-Delmotte: Warming that took place during medieval times and earlier is not the same phenomenon that is happening now
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Did Social Over Spending Cause the Euro-Crisis?
Carlo Panico: Most media pays no attention to scientific economic literature
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Robin at the Bankers' Banquet

Dimon Hearing Delayed by Protestors

Activist nuns Vs. the Pope & Rush Limbaugh

David Harvey compares Occupy to Paris commune

Thousands attend anti-Vladimir Putin Moscow rally

Best of the web

Leaked Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations

Europe: To Be or Not To Be?

British PM appears before media inquiry

Political polling 101: Everything you need to know in 5 minutes

'A no-brainer': Bernie Sanders decries Jamie Dimon conflict of interest, demands Fed reform

Political Humor

Tea Party Senator Wants Jamie Dimon to Guide Bank Regulation!

The Only Way To Fix The World

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship

High Unemployment Rate Linked To One Man With 42000 Jobs

The Day In 100 Seconds: Sparkling Dimon

Global Warning

U.S. nuclear future

Tuberculosis makes comeback in Malaysia

Australia to create biggest marine reserve

Oil ambitions could jeopardise Canada's nature reserve

Apple's connection to coal power

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