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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Home Remedies for Cramping In Pregnancy

Most women will experience cramping in pregnancy, and many will experience different types of cramping at different times during their full term. The good news is that most cramping in pregnancy is perfectly normal and even a healthy sign that everything is on track, and that there are easy home remedies for cramping in pregnancy that you can try.

First – A Warning

Mild to moderate cramping in pregnancy – the kind that is uncomfortable but not unbearable – is normal. Excruciating pain is not! If you're experiencing very severe cramping, especially if it's accompanied by bleeding or spotting, seek immediate emergency medical advice.

Abdominal Cramping in Pregnancy

By far the most common type of cramping in pregnancy is abdominal cramping – nearly every woman will experience this – at least during some part of her pregnancy. This abdominal cramping is due to many factors – implantation, round ligament pain, increased pressure on the organs as your baby grows, constipation, and many other factors. There are several ways that you can minimise or treat abdominal cramping during pregnancy:

§ Take it easy. Your body is already under enormous additional pressure when you are pregnant. Don't invite abdominal pain by not making the effort to take things a little easier.
§ Eating a balanced diet, and drinking plenty of water. Also, remember that because your baby is pressing on your GI tract, heartburn is far more likely, so try to avoid spicy foods that may make it worse.
§ Learn a pregnancy massage technique. Often, gentle massage on the area affected by abdominal cramping during pregnancy, with or without the application of heat or cold, can help to treat the symptoms of pain.

If leaning into the cramps, resting more and therapies like massage don't help with abdominal cramping during pregnancy, and you're concerned, speak to your doctor, to find out if there is a treatment available.

Leg Cramps during Pregnancy

Leg cramps, particularly during the second trimester of pregnancy, are another common problem faced by many women. These cramps are caused by a variety of factors, including mineral deficiencies, and by pressure on nerves by your growing baby, and while they can be annoying when they strike in the middle of the night, they're rarely ever a sign of a serious problem.

In order to prevent leg cramps during pregnancy, you should remember to drink lots of water, and try to take a long, warm, relaxing bath before bedtime. If you do find yourself suffering leg cramps at night, standing up can usually soothe the pain, as can massaging the affected area.

Cramps during pregnancy are a normal part of the changes that your body is going through, and they're usually nothing to be too concerned about. However, there's also no reason you should suffer in silence, so why not learn techniques like massage, invest in safe pain killing treatments, and take the time to take care of yourself? You may not be able to eliminate cramping during pregnancy completely, but you can certainly minimise the frequency and severity of your symptoms!





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