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Saturday, March 31, 2012

TRNN This Week March 25 - March 30

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TRNN This Week March 25 - March 30
March 31, 2012

March 30

Germany and Europe's Path to the 19th Century
Francisco Louçã: European elite wants to undo the "social contract"; Germany wants more control
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Why is the Green Party's Jill Stein Running to be President?
Jill Stein, frontrunner for the Green Party presidential nomination, wants a New Green Deal for America
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Atheists Rally for Reason on National Mall
The Reason Rally calls for a total separation between Church and State
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March 29

Russia's "Jurassic Capitalism": A Caricature of the West?
Aleksandr Buzgalin: A strata of bureaucrats and oligarchs rule a caricature of Western capitalism, amassing fabulous wealth
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Chicago Activists Stop Forclosure
Housing rights and occupy activists enter third week of 'foreclosure blockade'
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Spain braces for general strike
Polls show only 30 percent of the population believe it is the right time to strike.
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March 28

High Oil Prices Must be Subject of Criminal Investigation
Michael Greenberger: Big banks and traders involved in a criminal conspiracy to raise oil prices
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Why are Workers Striking Across Spain and Portugal?
Francisco Louçã: A deliberate policy of using the crisis to break the social contract is causing mass unemployment
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March 27

Egypt's Workers Movement Strikes Back
After months of failed negotiations with government ministries, Egyptians workers organized nationwide strikes in both the public and private sectors.
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Should Supreme Court Find Insurance Mandate Unconstitutional?
Kevin Zeese: Mandate is both bad policy and unconstituional, this is an opportunity to push for "Medicare for All"
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March 26

Banking "Technocrats" Undermine Democracy
Gerry Epstein: In Europe and the US, bankers take control of the political process
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Arab League Meets in Iraq with Divisions Over Syria
Sahar Issa: Iraq wants Saudi recognition but cooperates with Iranian flights to Syria
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History of an Occupation
Fault Lines tells the history of Occupy Wall Street from its early days through the movement's rapid spread up to the brutal crackdown by state authorities
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March 25

Struggle in the Chinese Communist Party
Minqi Li: The division between the pro "free market" forces vs those who want some socialism grows more intense
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The Promise
What you have been seeing on TRNN is just a taste of what's to come; we need your support now

The Occupy Movement

Robert Reich: Has OWS changed dialogue?

The Koch Brothers: The Worst of the 1%

How Dummies Respond To Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street: Surviving the Winter

Justice Demanded at Fla. March

Best of the web

Alice Walker: Trayvon Martin death symptomatic

Gitmo Child Soldier Omar Khadr Return to Canada?

French police arrest 'Islamic radicals'

How video of George Zimmerman could lead to justice for Trayvon Martin

Obama's secret drone war in Yemen

Political Humor

Republican CIrcus Tricks

Walmart Is A Monster


Romney's 'Humorous' Factory Closing Story

Koney or Baloney?

Global Warning


Eco Toilets

Animation of Total's gas leak in North Sea

Pennsylvania law may keep doctors from telling patients about dangers of fracking chemicals

Record Gas Prices Hurting America's Towns

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